
Monday, June 25, 2012

Issa Focusing on One E-Mail

On February 4, 2011, the Justice Department sent a letter to Senator Charles Grassley flatly denying the ATF had allowed guns to "walk" into Mexico during Operation Fast and Furious. That letter was not withdrawn until December 2011, when DOJ had to admit that guns had, indeed been allowed to "walk" into Mexico, and thus the February letter was not factual.

Now it appears that acting ATF director Ken Melson sent an e-mail after February 4 (March) that contradicted the letter. According to the below Daily Caller article, Melson's e-mail was to senior DOJ officials and discussed wiretap applications that he had reviewed and which contradicted the February 4 letter. This is apparently what Melson told Congress under oath when he voluntarily went to the Capitol to testify in spite of being instructed not to by Justice. Of course, that is one of the tens of thousands of documents that Issa is demanding from Justice.

As even Holder has had to admit, an e-mail from the acting ATF director to senior Justice officials could hardly be claimed under executive privilege by President Obama.

Hello??? Is there a scandal out there?

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