Deb Pauly with Allen West
Out here on the Left Coast, we have an election coming up in June. If any of you reading this are from Orange County, I want you to consider voting for Deb Pauly for Orange County Supervisor.
The Board of Supervisors is an important body here in OC because they decide on funding priorities. Currently, they have too many empty suits, such as the guy who is being termed out, Bill Campbell. The big problem with the Board is that they continue to fund the useless OC Human Relations Commission under the expensive leadership of another empty suit, Rusty Kennedy. The annual budget for this monster is $300,000, and we need another voice on the board who will vote to stop it.
Pauly is running against a guy named Todd Spitzer, who has bounced around from one post to another. he's an establishment guy. He seems conservative, but one thing that bothers me about Spitzer is that he seems to be tied in with the unions.
That's bad.
Pauly is a woman who thinks independently. Her most recent job is on the Villa Park City Council, where she is surrounded by a bunch of empty suits who don't like her independent streak and habit of saying what's on her mind.
In the past couple of years, Pauly has taken a lot of heat for what she said at the February 2011 Yorba Linda protest against the event held by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a group with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. When they invited two radical Islamists as their speakers (Amir Abdel Malik Ali and Siraj Wahhaj), a protest was held. (I was there too.) Unfortunately a few dozen people showed up at the entrance to the event center and heckled the attendees as they arrived hours after the real protest had begun. That was not part of the program. Pauly, who had spoken and gone home long before that incident took place, took heat for saying that she knew a few Marines who would be willing to send (the radical Islamists) to the Promised Land, or something to that effect. Subsequently, the boys and girls at CAIR produced an edited video that was designed to make it appear that Pauly was referring to all the Muslims attending the event and had stirred the audience to heckle the attendees. Nothing could be further from the truth. I was present at the speech, and that is not what she meant. She said nothing objectionable. Ever since that event, CAIR and the Islamist lobby have tried to destroy Pauly, but she refuses to back down.
Pauly is a true conservative who is right on issues like taxes and spending. In addition, she would vote to discontinue funding for the OCHRC, whose funding must be renewed annually. The board desperately needs another member who will vote to cut off funding for this useless and politically-correct white elephant that exaggerates any indication of ethnic conflict in Orange County just to justify their existence. The truth is that OC has a darn good record when it comes to its many diverse communities getting along, and it is no thanks to the OCHRC.
Just keep in mind who is trying to defeat Pauly. It is not only the political establishment, but the Islamist lobby headed by CAIR, ICNA and others. (When I say Islamist lobby, I am referring to those persons who are trying to further the radical Islamic agenda in the US, Sharia law and all. I am not referring to average American Muslims-nor was Pauly in her speech.)
If you are conservative, we need Deb Pauly on the OC Board of Supervisors.
A vote for Pauly is a vote for America
I voted by mail and put my check next to Pauly. I suggest that the rest of Orange county do the same to battle the Muslim Brotherhood influence in our town.
Good news mein Feuhrer! Deb Pauly is running for Orange County supervisor!
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