I don't know who Operation Crossroads is-must be one of those evil Republican super-pacs -as opposed to Democratic super-pacs and George Clooney. Anyway, here is a clever video involving that famous open-mic incident with Barack Obama.
Which one?
Oh, yeah. The one with Russian "president" Dmitri Medvedev.
How despicable of Operation Crossroads to produce an obviously doctored video of our president drawing the line in the sand with the Russian strongman (Medvedev).
" This is my last election, Adolf. After my election, I have more flexibility."
"I understand. I transmit this information to........., uh......Eva, and I stand with you."
Was that Eva Mendes or Eva Longoria?
P.S. Thanks for sharing the video comrade Fouse.
You picked the wrong photo. The man who represented Russia in cutting a deal with Hitler was Molotov. And his opposite number was von Ribbentropp, not der Feuhrer.
Wrong you are again, Siarlys. In the Molotov-Ribbentrop accord, nobody caved.
Oh, Stalin got a great deal, and June 1941 was just another lovely summer month?
But my point was... neither Chamberlain nor Hitler were Russians, so you're analogy was running far afield. Next you'll be posting photos of Mao and Nehru.
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