Tom Brokaw would be rolling in his grave-if he were dead.
One thing that's for sure when I get on the treadmill in the afternoon and tune in to the Obama News Network, also known as NBC or MSNBC, is that I'm going to get a lot of laughs and material for another blog post.
That's what happened today catching the last half of Chris Matthews' dopey Hardball show and the first half of Al Sharpton's pathetically amateurish Politics Nation show. And the big breaking story of the day is.....
Mitt Romney attending a fund-raiser in Las Vegas today hosted by that despicable guy named Donald Trump. Don't get me wrong; I am no fan of The Donald, nor am I a birther. But my reaction to this news is-so what?
Well, according to Chrissie and REVEREND AL, the so what is the fact that Trump was on a binge last year demanding Obama produce his birth certificate. Trump never claimed that Obama wasn't born in the US; he just thought Obama should produce the birth certificate. Now he doubts the authenticity of the birth certificate. Big deal.
And what did Mitt Romney say to reporters when asked about this "brewing scandal"? It went something like this:
"I only have to get 50.1% of the vote. I may not agree with everything my supporters say, and my supporters may not agree with everything I say...."
"This is leadership?" asked the incredulous MSNBC mad-hatters?
If you are wondering what is missing here in this "discussion", let me fill in the blanks left by Chris and Al.
That's right. Putting aside the ridiculous implication that Donald Trump is some kind of evil character nobody would want to be associated with, let's compare this to a couple of President Obama's "associations" and what kind of leadership he displayed when asked (rarely) by the media about things they had said and done.
Jeremiah Wright
"God Damn America"
Obama: "I sat in the pew of his church for 20 years, and I never heard anything like that."
Bill Ayres
Obama: "Just some guy who lived in the neighborhood."
That's leadership? No, that's lying.
All I can say, if you want to talk about associations, I'll take Trump over Wright and Ayres any day.
And then there was this gem from REVEREND AL:
He brought up the recent incident in which the evil Rush :Limbaugh referred to Sandra Fluke, who wanted her condoms to be covered by insurance, as a "slut" on the radio then used Romney's response that he would not use language like that as being incredibly weak. Well, perhaps, but REVEREND AL neglected to mention the time his fellow talking head Ed "Boom-Boom" Schultz called Laura Ingraham a "slut" on the radio. What did Obama, who personally called Fluke, have to say about that?
It's easy to shoot arrows at the other guy, but if you are going to ignore the same faults on the part of your own guy, it comes back to bite you on the you-know-what.
"Chris Matthews, you've got a weak show."
As for you, REVEREND AL, you don't even have a show.
Thanks to Ronald Reagan's justice department, Ayers WAS just a guy who lived in the neighborhood.
But anyone who wastes time on a treadmill deserves whatever MSNBC dishes out.
Get out on a bicycle and see the world.
A few things:
1. I agree with your assessment of Matthews. Romney's response was perfectly acceptable, and refreshingly honest. Matthews is one more non-news talking head that the media could use less of.
2. I'm curious, but what besides that one clip of Jeremiah Wright has you so convinced that he said those sort of things all the time? Maybe you know something I don't, and I'd like to hear it. And didn't he say "God damnED America" as in, the past tense, referring to what happened on 9/11? That's not too different from what Falwell and Robertson said (I do not think that you are fans of them either, but it's still an important distinction).
3. What Obama said about Ayers: "This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who’s a professor of English in Chicago, who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.
And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago when I was 8 years old, somehow reflects on me and my values, doesn’t make much sense, George."
Your quote is a little bit misleading, but I will give you credit that perhaps you are quoting somebody else who's misquoting him.
I found Obama's answer acceptable. After all, didn't you recently state that you don't necessarily agree with everything that some of your friends on this blog have to say?
I looked that up on Factcheck, by the way.
--Anonymous 703
They seem incapable of introspection or any kind of perspective. Al Sharpton was the unapologetic master of the famous Tawana Brawley case, even though he had to pay a fat settlement to the policeman he slandered.
Any critique of Obama or the Democrats goes through the same 3 steps. First, there is the trashing of the source of the fact. Second, is the expressed or implied charge of racism, regardless of the circumstances. Last, there is the assertion that both sides do it.
Come to think of it, this is the same line of argument the MSU uses. First of all you must be a hated Zionist. Next, you are Islamaphobic. And last, the Jews do the same thing (disrupt speeches, etc. -which they don't).
No wonder a CAIR bigwig is going to the Democratic Convention. There is a natural affinity there.
Actually, there are Jews who disrupt speeches. Jewish Voice for Peace, which is against Israel. They are a bunch of leftoies and anarchists.
Apparently you and Siarlys are convinced he said "God damned America." You two are in small company.
As for Ayres, Obama launched his political career and first race for office in the Ayres home. They served on commissions together. Ayres was committing his terrorist acts when Obama was a child, but he has since never repented, only defended what he did. BTW That picture of Ayres standing on an American flag was not taken when Obama was 8 years old.
Sorry, Gary, I never heard of "Jewish Voice for Peace" or what they do. I do know that for most liberals, liberalism replaces their religion.
It happens that leftism is in basic conflict with religion. Religion has been opposed by leftists going back to Marx. First if all, it distracts them from the main objective of making a revolution.
In the main, religion has the notion of being content with life and to improve on a moral level. The reward is in the afterlife. It is judgmental and has moral absolutes.... like the 10th Commandment ... "Thou shall not covet...." And isn't that what Occupy and wealth redistribution, and communism is all about?
There are a lot more reasons, some basic that I don't have time to go into now.
Obviously, the "Jewish Voice for Peace"that you say disrupt peaceful presentations are both ridiculous and an embarrassment.
JVP are the ones who disrupted Netanyahu last year in New Orleans. They have also appeared here atr UCI. Matan Cohen is one of them. Surprised you never heard of them. They are bad news.
"You two are in small company."
Your source?
It would be statistically true among those who comment at Fousesquawk, but other than that?
If you're looking for accuracy, don't take a vote, let's all listen to the video clip together.
IF you're measuring impact on popular opinion, there is precious little evidence most people really care.
As for Ayers, you havent' contradicted what I succinctly pointed out. If you disapprove that Ayers was free to be a neighbor and employed college professor, maybe you should be stirring up a scandal about the Reagan justice department.
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