Photo: Fox News
The Occupy forces came out in droves today to celebrate May Day in Seattle.
Those are your "99%-ers", Ed.
I wonder how Ed the Oaf Schultz at MSNBC is going to spin this as he makes all kinds of negative references to those "horrible" Tea Party folks-who never riot, who have never had anyone arrested, and who clean up after their peaceful protests.
These Occupiers are the same know-nothings of whom Nancy Pelosi, said, "God bless them". All they know is that they want stuff that others have, and they expect their government to get it for them, which is exactly what this administration and the Democrats in Congress are trying to do.
All these incidents do is demonstrate the choice we have in November.
I know Obama and Pelosi have made favorable comments about these Occupy 1%ers but I wonder if the Clintons do as well. How about the core people in the party? What about John Podesta and James Carvel and Terry McCullough? Do these rioters represent any significant part of the Democratic Party? Have they all gone nuts? Do they all embrace these incoherent anarchists?
I'd be ashamed to be in the same party.
Like I keep telling you, what the Occupy movement needs a good dose of Leninist discipline, so any band of merry anarchists who desires to call themselves Occupy, without toeing the party line, can be beat up by the Enforcement Commission.
Short of that, you can't smear "the Occupy movement" because anyone can call themselves "Occupy." Not unlike our vaunted political parties, and the Christian Church.
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