
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Holding Eric Holder in Contempt

Congressman Darrell Issa's  House Oversight Committee has taken the next step toward holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt over his refusal to turn over thousands of pages of requested documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal.

I am hoping that Speaker John Boehner will stand firm on this and allow Issa to go forward. If he doesn't, shame on him.

Last night on C-SPAN, I was watching Holder and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sibelius holding a press conference to announce prosecution of a Medicare fraud case. Holder's DOJ co-conspirator Lanny Breuer was also present. At one point, a reporter asked Holder about the on-going perjury trial against former pitcher Roger Clemens over his alleged use of performance enhancing drugs. Holder answered that it "was a serious issue involving (Clemens') false testimony before Congress".

Indeed. Holder should know. He has repeatedly testified falsely before Congress in the Fast and Furious hearings.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Conjectural. Boehner is not quite such a fool as that.

Squid said...

Holder needs to be held in contempt of Congress and convicted of this crime and charged with the wrongful death of two Federal agents.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

In your dreams Squid.

Squid said...

@ Siarlys

Here is a pamplet you should read:

Ten Reasons to Impeach Eric Holder
By: J. Christian Adams

The arguement to hold Holder in contempt of Congress is outlined in the document.

What evidence do you have to counter these factual pieces? I think you have nothing to offer, as usaul.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Before I waste my time reading J. Christian Adams, I would commit myself to a thorough study of Mein Kampf. Adams doesn't offer facts, and you don't cite any. He offers blueprints for actions he desires be taken, and you applaud because you'd like to see the show.

Gary Fouse said...

Adams has one advantage over you, Siarlys. he actually worked at DOJ under Holder and witnessed it first hand.

Squid said...

@ Siarlys

Again, Cosmic Judgement!!!


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Squid appears to be on some kind of acid trip, entranced by the starry sky and raving at anyone who doesn't see things his way.

So Gary, are you saying that any citizen of our republic who has not worked in a given civil service bureaucracy has no right to express an opinion about what the policies of that department should be? A department established by OUR elected representatives to serve US, and funded by OUR tax dollars? I won't ask when you stopped beating your wife, but when did you betray the Tea Party movement, abandon conservative principles, and become a raving liberal?????

That is the sorriest excuse for an argument you have ever offered! Let's see... Albert Speer actually worked in the Third Reich, so he knows better than you or I what it was really all about... At least Alger Hiss actually worked in the State Department, unlike his critics, who should therefore shut up... Actually I admire Hiss, I don't admire Speer, but the logic is close to your defense of Adams.