UC San Diego-Where the inmates run the institution
UC San Diego has recently struggled its way through yet another one of those anti-Israel divestment resolutions, this time spearheaded by the ever-obnoxious Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). The resolution failed, fortunately, but not without being accompanied by some ugly accusations of racism against those who opposed the resolution.
Richard Cravatts, who teaches at Simmons University in Massachusetts, and who has just published a book on the liberal onslaught against Israel and Jews on university campuses (Genocidal Liberalism), has written this piece, which appears in the web site of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME).
It gets better. Here is a letter written to UC San Diego by SPME that complains about the treatment of a UCSD professor, Shlomo Dubnov, who spoke against the resolution in front of the student government. Dubnov was accused of following a pro-resolution speaker out of the room and verbally harassing her.
So the question is; did Professor Dubnov follow a pro-resolution speaker out of the hall and harass her in any way? Fortunately, the meeting was videotaped and is submitted here below.
Apparently, the charges don't hold water. As the video shows, Dubnov left several minutes after the alleged victim and in the company with another faculty member, with whom he engaged in conversation for several minutes thereafter. The other professor has signed a statement that he left the building with Dubnov, and at no time did Dubnov verbally attack any students.
This is typical of what the folks running UCSD have to put up with.
1 comment:
LIBERAL? What is liberal about any of this? Has liberal become a catch-all term for anything Gary Fouse doesn't approve of?
The sad fact is, those who view Israel as a unilateral, unmitigated oppressor, and anyone Arabic or Muslim as "the wretched of the earth" inhabit a political void without anchor to any political philosophy.
They're not socialist -- Israel was founded by socialists, although it's government is currently in non-socialist hands. They're not liberal -- Israel is the most "liberal" country in the region. They're not pacifists -- Hamas does not qualify as the Islamic analogy to the Quakers. They're not revolutionaries either -- there is no discernible revolution for them to support.
I suppose they could be characterized as protestians... as in, "Gosh, I don't know what we stand for, but if someone has organized a protest, I'm for it."
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