You talk about much ado about nothing. As I read this, it seems that the agents were being trained in Arab culture for good reasons. Before I was sent by DEA to Bangkok for three years, I was taught never to touch a Thai on the head or sit with the soles of my feet pointed to a Thai. Surely the trainer was pointing out that shaking hands is a Western custom. I don't think he meant that Asians were not fit to shake hands with.
As for that statement about Arabs having outbursts, what does Durbin expect-that agents should only be taught what is great about Arabs (Asians)? If agents were being trained to deal with Koreans, would it be wrong to point out that that Korean guys like to drink, sing songs, and occasionally fight? Is it offensive to call Koreans the "Irish of Asia"-as many do? Does Durbin think that foreign diplomats training to be stationed in the US are told only the wonderful things about Americans?
Saudi Ministry of Interior training picture for diplomats
"Americans love pigs"
Other than being offensive, you could argue that the FBI is bending over backwards to accommodate Arab culture here in the US rather than expect them to accommodate to our culture.
As for that statement that the FBI can bend rules etc, I recall a lot of DEA agents being told by FBI counterparts that they (FBI) could do things that DEA couldn't. Mostly that was if J. Edgar Hoover wanted it done. Otherwise, those poor suckers couldn't go to the bathroom without J. Edgar's written permission teletyped from Washington.
"Permission denied. Agent is to be transferred to Oklahoma City immediately."
People like Dick Durbin need to wake up to real life.
I think you're right. "Asians" are a euphemism for Muslims, whether they are Asian or Middle Eastern .. or from anywhere else. They are afraid of not being P.C.
This deference is the consequence of a cowered and liberal intelligentsia that has not got all the things that it feels entitled to and blames the "system" or capitalism. It results in less than confident world view and perhaps a resignation that the future belongs to the "others" that they are helpless to do anything about.
I think you're right too. A good down to earth analysis of a series of sound administrative decisions being reflexively second guessed by a senator looking for quick headlines.
I don't know what Miggie is talking about.
No elwood, the entire institution Durbin works in has a rather low rating right now. The only group with a lower public approval rating than congressional Democrats is congressional Republicans, and if Democrats take hope from the modest difference, well, its a very low bar to take solace in.
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