
Monday, April 2, 2012

LA Times Article Says UC Campuses Biased (Duh)

Today's LA Times has a curious story by Larry Gordon that reports allegations that the University of California has a left-wing bent that affects the education students are getting.,0,6621298.story

Think it's true?


So do I, and I think those guys Pitts and Anderson are full of it for denying what is obvious.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Left wing? There isn't a decent socialist among them. Eugene Debs wouldn't give these navel contemplating children of privilege the time of day.

Miggie said...

"It has reached an extreme where one couldn't not comment," John Ellis, a UC Santa Cruz professor emeritus in German literature and president of the California Assn. of Scholars, said..."

I wonder if double negatives in a single sentence is proper in German (or German literature) but if he is trying to communicate to students in English, it isn't any wonder they are illiterate.

As you indicated, it is not a surprise to anyone that UC campuses are biased to the far left. An integral part of that bias as an anti-Israel agenda. It is no surprise that bias is weaved into some courses and lesson plans, either.

Now, does anyone expect the Regents or the UC President to spring into action and DO SOMETHING about it? Of course not! The professors are, in the main, the children of the hippies of the 60's and they have the destruction of the US as it was before them as their major objective. The vast majority of them want it this way and the rest acquiesce.

There are a few within the academia tent, like Gary, Tammi, Leila, Karen, and Roberta who expose it from time to time. All they can do is write letters and submit petitions but academia, for all practical purposes, answers to no one. The lawsuits could make a difference but, under this DOJ, that won't happen.

Anonymous said...

Sort of on the same subject:

Anonymous said...

And there's this: