
Friday, March 2, 2012

Who is Sandra Fluke?

Hat tip to Gateway Pundit and Jammie Wearing Fool

Now that Sandra Fluke is getting her 15 minutes of fame, Gateway Pundit (via Jammie Wearing Fool) has a report that paints the not-so-young lady in a slightly different light.

So according to the above report, Fluke is not 23-she is 30, and she is a professional women's rights activist who chose Georgetown specifically because their insurance policy did not cover contraceptives, which she wanted to challenge. Neat.

I have wondered from the start of this hullabaloo just how it is she got to come in and testify before Congress (Nancy Pelosi and friends) in the first place. Excuse me for being impertinent, but I would love to testify in front of Congress about a host of issues. That doesn't mean I get to do so. The media is all telling us that the Republicans "refused to allow" her to testify before she found a more sympathetic ear in Pelosi. The rest is history as she made an ass of herself with her sob story and became an instant victim when Rush the Impaler Limbaugh made some inappropriate remarks about her.

So now Fluke has become liberal America's sweetheart-their own liberal version of Joe the Plumber, as she floats from one network interview to another and takes a call from the President. Meanwhile, the mad-hatters at MSNBC are acting as if Joan of Arc had just been burned at the stake. Forget that Ed "Butter and Egg Man" Schultz, himself called Laura Ingraham  a slut last year. Forget about Al Sharpton's comments about challenging Jews to tie on their yarmulkas and come on over to his house, white interlopers, and so much more. Now the media is calling on every Republican in Congress to repudiate Rush Limbaugh-who, in case you have forgotten, is a private citizen.

Theater of the absurd.


Findalis said...

Figures! I thought she was a "Professional" but the profession I was thinking of was one that involved the sexual act.

Bartender Cabbie said...

she could have a career in Chatworth before all is said and done perhaps. Extend her fifteen minutes as it were.

Gary Fouse said...


I think I made it clear that I do not condone Limbaugh's remarks. Go back and read it.

elwood p suggins said...

Religious issues/concerns aside for the moment, perhaps the bigger story, and the worst thing, about this whole hubbub is the fact that coverage of the religious opposition is masking/overshadowing the fact that this is really only yet another cynical, politically motivated, vote-buying/gathering, pandering to women initiative, and is about as blatant as anything I have ever seen (kind of like the later additions to the “Brady Bill”), And yes, I am aware that politicians of all stripes do it when they can/need to. Doesn’t make it right. And, sadly, I am also aware that it often if not usually works.

Ironically, none of this is actually free. Any organization, Catholic or otherwise, which is required to furnish “free” contraceptives (or other health-related goods/services) to employees will at some future date certainly increase what employees pay for health insurance and/or decrease the amount by which the organization subsidizes healthcare premiums/costs for its employees, thereby costing the employees money.

If it is the health care/insurance companies which are required to furnish “free” contraceptives, as I understand, correctly or otherwise, the “fallback” (so-called “accommodation”) position to call for, it is no real accommodation and precisely the same thing will happen. In time, insurance carriers would increase premiums and the increase would be passed on to employees in one or both of two ways, as above. Happens all the time.

Actually, if contraceptives were removed from the religious organization insurance plans, the cost to employees should/would be less in terms of premiums. In that instance, those that wanted contraceptives would have the extra money to buy them and still most likely be in approximately the same condition financially, those who did not would be a little ahead of the game, and none of us would have to hear all this politically correct nonsense.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Newsflash! Georgetown requires all students to pay for their own medical coverage: either they have their own, or the Georgetown group policy premiums are tacked onto their tuition bill.

No freeloading going on after all. I am so releived.