Front Page Magazine is posting a letter to UC Irvine by Phil Orenstein of the National Conference on Jewish Affairs regarding UCI's preremptory rejection of a statue to memorialize Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who rescued thousands of Hungarian Jews in the closing days of World World 2.
To that I would add that in my humble view, UCI made a mistake considering its past history of events. In the light of UC President Mark Yudof's open letter yesterday about anti-Semitism and hate on UC campuses, the project would have been most timely.
In fact, the most appropriate place for such a memorial would have been on the patio area adjacent to the politically-correct Cross Cultural Center, an area that has been "requisitioned" by the Muslim Student Union for their prayers, posters, and all-around hanging out.
Send it to Milwaukee. I'm sure it would find a nice home here. There are all kinds of things named for Golda Meir. Of course you would probably consider her a socialist, which she was.
Golda. A hero.
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