"It's all right here in my book."
Hat tip to Daily Californian
Charles Jacobs has posted an article in Berkeley's Daily Californian that exposes Louis Farrakhan's lies about Jews in connection with slavery.
Farrakhan, who spoke before a crowd of some 600 people last Saturday at UC Berkeley, would like the world to believe that Jews were behind the African-Trans-Atlantic slave trade. At the same time, he doesn't want to acknowledge two places where slavery still exists today- Sudan (North) and Mauritania.
When I was researching my book on Papiamentu, it was natural that I would do a lot of research into the African-Atlantic slave trade as it impacted Curacao, which at one time was the largest slave depot in the Americas, as well as Aruba and Bonaire. Curacao is also home to a long-standing Jewish community, which at one time was the largest and most important in the Americas-including the US. Were there any Jews involved in the slave trade? Sure, but no more than Gentiles. To say that "the Jews were behind the slave trade" is a lie.
Jacob, who is Jewish, is active in the Boston area exposing anti-Semitism. I myself met him a few years back in San Jose. Recently, he has been active exposing the radicalism of the Boston-area mosque, which is connected to Yusuf al Qaradawi. As a result of his disclosures, Jacobs has incurred the wrath of the local Jewish establishment, which is invested in interfaith outreach with the mosque.
Hats off to the Daily Californian for publishing his article.
If not for Arab merchants developing a trans-continental market in slaves from Africa, there would have been no depots, nor trade routes, for the Portuguese to tap into, nor for the Dutch or British to follow in their footsteps.
Why did the Arabs turn to Africa? Their traditional source of slaves, eastern Europe, was no longer available. They used to buy them from the Christians in Constantinople. The word "slave" comes from the root word "Slav."
@ Siarlys
Nice piece of information Siarlys. This Slavic origin for the word "slave came about circa 1200 A.D. The Arabs had no less than 14 names for slaves hundreds of years prior to the slavic name.
But I believe that the point is that Farrakhan is an anti-Semite who revels in his spew of hatred. This is the same hatred spewed by his buddy Rev. Wright.
Charlemagne's empire also got their slaves from Slavic conquests. The Arabs were obtaining slavic Slaves earlier than 1200... the Umayyad Caliphate of Cordoba had a whole army of them, the Saqalibba.
But don't spoil you erudition by saying that Farrakhan and Wright are spouting the same nonsense. They are spouting markedly different brands of nonsense.
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