
Monday, March 5, 2012

Richard Trumka Denies Paying Protesters

Hat tip to Daily Caller

"No, Michelle. We would never pay anybody to protest."

Michelle Fields of Daily Caller asked AFL-CIO boss Richard Trumka about reports his union paid people to protest at the recent CPAC conference. Trumka denied the allegation. See the DC video at the below link.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

In other news, Gary Fouse denied allegations by members of the Muslim Students Union that he paid students in his English classes to attend MSU rallies and ask the speakers hard questions.

Gary Fouse said...


Where did you get that wacko notion? Of course, I would never do that but some leftist professors will or at least encourage if not assign their students to go to this or that event.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Well Gary, I deliberately chose something really wacko and unlikely because, I thought it put your scurrilous post about Trumka in its proper perspective. If you didn't notice that, you doth protest too much.

And by the way, when did you stop beating your wife, the Mexican one?

elwood p suggins said...

Hopefully, Gary's answer to the question "When did you stop beating your wife?" would be the same as Trumka's answer to the question ""When did you start paying protestors?". That answer is, of course, "I never started".

Unfortunately, while Gary's answer would undoubtedly be true, it looks like Trumka's answer would almost certainly be false. Gotta remember who you are dealing with here.