
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Richard Falk and 9-11 Truthers

Richard Falk: His parents must be so proud

Richard Falk

Hat tip to Hot Air (Green Room) and Libertarian Examiner

Howard Portnoy has a great contribution on what we should know about Richard Falk, former Princeton Professor, UN Special Rapporteur, and anti-Israel activist. Mr Falk really does have some credibility issues.

Here is Falk's Wikipedia entry for further edification:

Needless to say, anyone who thinks the US Government was behind 9-11 must be a left-wing university professor or someone who ignores the terrorism of folks like Hamas and Hezbollah while blaming Israel for all the ills in the Middle East.

But what can you expect from Princeton, the university that spawned Norman Finkelstein and currently employs Cornel West?

(Save your cards and letters. I am sure there are some very fine people at Princeton. I just don't know who they are.)


Miggie said...

What's with Princeton? Don't they care about whacky professors? Doesn't their administration care about their reputation?

It is just hard, from a practical standpoint, to see how they let this kook go on.

elwood p suggins said...

Don't forget former U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney (D-GA), she of the deranged eyes and the beef with the security guy.