The below-linked page on the website of the Olive Tree Initiative now describes their trps to the Middle East as "diplomatic missions".

"Once the Olive Tree Initiative delegation arrives, we can all sign the treaty."
That's a beautiful closing photo Gary. Did you paste it together, or did it really happen? One more time's the charm.
The OTI is an illegitimate organization seeking legitimacy. They schmooze with the terrorists and the UCI/MSU, which is the most virulent anti-Semitic group on campus, if not the United States. If the OTI seeks to bring understanding to the community, they need to work on the UCI/MSU Apartheid Hate week. They need to put out the truth about the MSU, a Muslim Brotherhood spawned purveyor of "Sacred Deception".
So, the deceived think that they can gain legitimacy by acting like diplomats. They are poor actors and they will not get SAG cards.
Fabulous! Now the UCI sophomores will be able to get together with their counterparts (with a little help from the liberal leadership) and resolve all the ah, differences of opinion, that have been plaguing the Middle East recently. Go accomplish what none of the diplomats have been able to do.
Not that any of the students know whether WWII came before or after the Korean War or what either of the wars were about ... but never mind ... they have intelligence that we just can't appreciate. A few may know the name of the Balfour Declaration and something about WWI and some of the (selected) incidents around then but it is too much to ask if they actually read a book on it (much less more than one on the history of the area).
They know for sure that we dropped the atom bomb and interred the Japanese but are not that sure that the Holocaust actually happened.
A few sessions with the Palestinians will clear that whole fuzzy part up for them. Along with that they will get chapter and verse about all the atrocities the IDF have engaged in against the helpless, indigenous, peaceful Palestinians that lost their sovereignty somehow. They will be taught how to participate in and spread boycott/divestiture/sanction programs by the "neutral" speakers OTI will arrange for them.
This is the ultimate display of hubris, both by the Rose Foundation leadership and the UCI do-gooder professors ... who know best what should be done to deflect the Muslim continuing outrages at UCI. They haven't affected a thing there and they will only serve to continue to poison the minds of their own youth.
Of course I manufactured it. Can't you see my artwork? The only thing missing was Alfred E Newman.
We'll have to start calling these kids, Mr and Madame Ambassador".
OTI still has not come up with records for their expenditures as requested in a state FOI request.
Whenever anyone doesn't comply with FOI requests, judges and juries are to assume the most negative inferences. Otherwise (guilty) people would destroy or hide evidence all the time. That's why criminals hide their weapons and tools of their trade, and so significant when you discover them anyway.
There isn't an innocent explanation for OTI to hide their expenditure records or,for the same reasons, for Obama to hide his past school records and associations. As I said, unless you do draw negative inferences from nondisclosure, you are in the bag with them. The Truth hurts when you have things to hide.
OTI isn't a government agency, it is a private organization. If I were them, I wouldn't release the records either. Absent probably cause to believe a crime has been committed, it is none of your business.
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