The 3 arrestees. (Obviously a misunderstanding).
Somebody better forward this latest report to Ed Schultz and MSNBC. The Occupy Oakland folks have added yet another feather to their cap.
How unfortunate it is that the Oakland PD, which has so much enforcement work to do as it is, has to expend so much of its time and resources to dealing with this trash. The result is that the common residents of Oakland have less police protection against everyday street crime and drug dealing.
You missed the boat Gary. The headline properly should have read:
Occupy Oakland Members Batter Obama supporter and steal her Obama pin.
Except, "Occupy" doesn't have members. It is all contraband camp followers, nobody formally enrolled.
I keep telling you, this movement needs some firm Leninist discipline so that nobody is allowed to take spontaneous action without proper orders.
I am sure they are Romney supporters. As for Leninist leadership, don't they already have it? Check out the involvement of the National Lawyers Guild and their connection to Occupy WS and LA.
The NLG was formed in the 30s as a legal arm of the Communist Party USA. I hope I am not in error and that the NLG is Stalinist or Marxist or Trotskiite.
Gary, you obviously know NOTHING about any of the political ideologies and organizations you mention.
I didn't say Leninist leadership, although that might be a corollary, I said Leninist DISCIPLINE... you know, a central committee able to enforce its edicts and make everyone within a mile of an Occupy event do exactly what they are told, rather than spontaneously beat up Obama supporters and steal their money.
The National Lawyers Guild was indeed founded by CP members in the 1930s, although, like most "mass" organizations, it was intended to draw in a large number of lawyers who were not themselves communists. When it sank to the level where only communist lawyers (a rather small demographic) even joined, it sank to near insignificance.
During the early 1970s, rag-tag post-adolescent Maoists who fancied themselves to be "the new communists" (they weren't -- they had neither the professionalism, nor the discipline, not event he tactical skill, to be any such thing) found this hollow shell from the 1930s and flooded in to take it over. As these cretins settled down to become the ex-communist "progressive" lawyers, more concerned with gay marriage than the minimum wage, they dragged NLG with them. It has not a trace of Leninism in it.
Now, if you don't know the difference between a Stalinist and a Trotskyite, you really should stop talking about anything "leftist" until you do some reading. Hint: they are mortal enemies.
However, both are sometimes capable of disciplined political organizing. Many veterans of the circa 1970s anti-war protests recall that people from Socialist Workers Party (a Trotskyite group) actively kept everyone in line, marching according to plans, rather than spontaneously running amok. Not a bad thing really, although I have many reasons for not being a Trotskyite (or a Stalinist).
Marxist is an even broader category. I really can't believe they sent you on overseas assignments for DEA before the fall of the Soviet Union and never told you about this stuff.
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