
Sunday, March 18, 2012

No Pictures! (Of Maxine Waters)

Hat tip to Republican Party Animals

Photographer Edward Lyman tried to get some film of Congresswoman Maxine Waters back in December when she was in Los Angeles signing up voters. Watch what happens when Lyman decides he has the right to videotape a politician on a public street. Also catch the dialogue at the beginning of the tape which indicates that a newly-registered voter apparently put the address of the lady who registered her instead of her own. Republican Party Animals (formerly Counter Contempt) has the video.

What is it about some of these politicians who don't want to be photographed or video-taped? This (slightly) reminds me of the February event I have written about when Waters and Loretta Sanchez spoke at the Islamic Center of Orange County. Sanchez launched into an elderly man who was videotaping and told him to turn it off. Who do these people think they are?


Siarlys Jenkins said...

My first thought is, if you are out in public, you are fair game for a picture.

But wait... if any of us private citizens were just walking down the street minding our own business, while someone was obtrusively following us, taking pictures, not of the street in general, but of US, as specific target, after awhile we would consider it harrassment.

OK, this is a member of congress. And she is engaged in a public activity. At some point it becomes interference and stalking. It depends on how long they kept at it, how close they came, whether they made comments as they were running along...

Its not all cut and dried. Generally, if all they want is a good picture, the cheapest digital camera has 5X zoom.

(Sanchez was wrong. A public forum is definitely fair game, and you don't have to be an officially accredited photographer.)

Miggie said...

She does not want to be photographed at this event for the same reasons terrorists wear scarfs over their faces, even in Gaza or in Muslim territory.

Maxine Waters certainly doesn't mind being photographed in Congressional Committee meetings or in the halls of Congress.

Maybe her wig was askew.

Fullerton taxpayer said...

They think they are superior to,the public they have vowed to serve. Wasn't maxine waters the same person who accused the FBI of planting crack cocaine in south central los Angeles to hook African Americans on crack?
The bigger question is who keeps voting this woman into political office?

Gary Fouse said...

"They think they are superior to,the public they have vowed to serve. Wasn't maxine waters the same person who accused the FBI of planting crack cocaine in south central los Angeles to hook African Americans on crack?
The bigger question is who keeps voting this woman into political office?"


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Anyone who accused the FBI of planting crack cocaine in Los Angeles is therefore fair game to be stalked with a camera?

When did the content, or the rationality, of political speech, become a criterion for what a person's legitimate expectation of privacy might be?

I guess I can walk six inches in front of Pam Geller anytime I want, snapping pictures, because she's spouting ludicrous nonsense and therefore deserves it.

By the way, it was the CIA, not the FBI.