
Friday, March 16, 2012

Nigel Farage's Latest Hit

British member of the European Parliament Nigel Farage once again lets EU president Herman van Rompuy have it as he excoriates the whole bureaucracy-followed by a little British humor to drive the point home. Enjoy.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Excellent. Thanks for continuing to feature Farage.

Squid said...

Quick! Someone find the production unit of this tape so they can put a small trailer on the end of the new Davis Guggenheim video, "The Road We Traveled" narrated by Tom (the Lefty) Hanks. Here is a hint: "The presidency is like a box of chocolates. Ya never know what you're gonna get."

I saw the video and it is enough to make one punk!


Miggie said...

I usually read the DNC talking points in the NY Times and other publications, including some leftie websites and TV, just to learn the Party line that the apparatchiks will be spouting. However, this video was more than I could stomach. I couldn't even watch it in segments. The fawning idealization of this man is bizarre.

It goes right along with the liberal mindset going back to the 19th century, that the smartest among us would figure out what should be done for the rest of us. If it doesn't turn out, then we should get a new smart guy (or group of them). They would be able to determine all the pros and cons of every decision as well as the myriad consequences so much better than the millions of us with each man doing what he does best, making personal decisions for our best welfare as we see best. In other words, liberty, freedom.

It turns out that Democracy (including more than just elections) works out much better EVERY time than government imposed regulations on the society.

But no, the liberal mindset now sees a black guy who can speak well and figures that he must be the new smart guy. He is so great with all these attributes going for him that we should completely ignore the consequences of his decisions... that the economy is going to hell, foreign policy stinks, and so on. (Look what he had to deal with... as if there had never been a crises before in the history of this country)

I found a web page that demonstrates what happens if you continue the same policies

Enjoy... this is what will continue to happen to the country unless we get rid of this big government, micro-managing, intruding on everything, administration.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Miggie, are you saying that Nigel Farage works for the DNC?