Hat tip to Investigative Project on Terrorism
LA Sheriff Lee Baca and Michael Downing, chief of the LAPD Counter-Terrorism squad, should read this article below by Steve Emerson's Investigative Task Force on Anti-Semitism. They might learn a thing or two about some of those "moderate" Islamic organizations they pal around with. The below article concerns the revelation that imprisoned terror supporter Abdurrahman Alamoudi, who is cooperating with authorities in return for a 6-year reduction in his sentence, has confirmed under oath that there is a connection between the Muslim American Society and the Muslim Brotherhood.
I note the name Jamal Badawi in the report. Seems he has been mentioned in my own archives. Ah yes. Here it is:
Aside from that Libyan plot to assassinate the Saudi crown prince, Alamoudi has a long history of associations with questionable characters and organizations. The last time Alison Weir spoke at UC Irvine (May 2011), I confronted her with the fact that Alamoudi had been an official in the same organization which she now heads (Council for the National Interest) . She played dumb but promised to look into that little matter. (Alamoudi was involved in the organization before Weir took it over.) Don't take my word for it. You can ask Muzammil Siddiqi. He was in the audience that day with his OC Interfaith Council, who came to witness the Muslim Student Union's week of hatred against Israel.

Bridge builder Siddiqi and OC Interfaith Council admiring the handiwork on the mock Israeli wall
Of course, the IPT article already mentions that October 28, 2000 speaking appearance by Alamoudi in Washington, in which he proudly voiced his support for Hamas and Hizbollah, which was loudly affirmed by the audience. Another speaker that day was Orange County's favorite bridge builder Imam Muzammil Siddiqi, who Baca and LAPD's Michael Downing think is a swell guy.
"Well, Gary, you know some people change."
-Downing to yours truly at the Islamic Center of Orange County on February 17, 2012 when I told him of the Blind Skeikh, Omar Abdel Rahman's speaking appearance at said mosque in 1992, which was also hosted by Siddiqi.
And, of course, we all know that Siddiqi is a proud recipient of the OC Human Relations Commission prestigious 2011 "Rusty Award", named after OCHRC boss Rusty (the Empty Suit) Kennedy.
Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim-American Society, Alamoudi, CAIR, MPAC, ICNA, ISNA, Fiqh Council of North America, Islam Online, Siddiqi; it's all one big tangled web. Apparently much too tangled for Baca, Downing and Kennedy to figure out.
1 comment:
The only hope America has to battle this creeping Islamism threat is to elect a new president and get an administration that recognizes the problem and acts and does not cringe before it.
Four more years of Obozo and the only ones with liberty to do what they please will be the Muslims. Can't give offense, don't you know?
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