Hat tip to Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers
My friends at Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers have posted a great article exposing the phony propaganda that Women in Black engage in . Who are the Women in Black, you ask?
You don't wanna know......, but I'm going to tell you anyway.
Women in Black are group of mad hatters in the Bay area who show up on the UC Berkeley campus and shout anti-Israel screeds-adding to the street-fair atmosphere. One of their leaders is a comical character named Marina Gutierrez, who apparently is the wife of madcap professor emeritus Andrew Gutierrez. Andy's emeritus status was apparently earned through harassing Jewish students on campus when they held a peaceful protest against swastikas being painted on campus walls and bathroom stalls. Andrew is on video giving the kids a hard time and giving them the finger. Don't take my word for it.
As you can see, Gutierrez is a charming fellow.
Now back to Marina. Here is an example of her intellectual dishonesty. (Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers)
Cute trick, huh? Kid throws rocks at soldiers and pees his pants when they arrest him. That's life. Not in the Alice in Wonderland world of Women in Black, however.
"Women in Black are group of mad hatters in the Bay area who show up on the UC Berkeley campus and shout anti-Israel screeds-adding to the street-fair atmosphere."
This is patently false. I work in Berkeley right across the street from campus, so I see the Women in Black on a regular basis. In the years that I have seen them, I have never once seen them shouting anything at all. They simply stand there and meekly pass out flyers to any passersby willing to take them.
That is not what I hear from those who show any sign of supporting Israel.Others have talked of being screamed at-both on and off campus. I stand by what I wrote. BTW-I hope you opened the link to what Mr Gutierrez did at UCB. Tell me that is patently false.
Here is another article you may enjoy about Marina and WiB.
This choice of photos is another demonstration of the blatant dishonesty of the media covering the conflict. There is no defense of this as every single story and photo attempts to show Israel in the worst possible light.
Marina told some students at Berkeley that the roads in Israel are "Jew only". Soemone brought in a photo of a highway sigh from Israel- it was in English, Arabic and Hebrew. She was asked "If the roads in Israel are "Jew Only", why would they bother making highways signs in 3 languages? Marina's answer "To fool the tourists like you"
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