
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Another Shame for UC Berkeley: Louis Farrakhan to Speak Saturday

Hat tip to Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers

I just picked this up from Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers. Louis Farrakhan, just off his latest rant about Jews, is speaking Saturday at UC Berkeley-invited by the Black Student Union.

Yes, folks. This is free speech. We must tolerate it. We must even tolerate hate speech. We must tolerate intolerance itself.

The Nation of Islam, from its founding, has not donme one thing to increase integration, reconcilation or improved race relations. It has done the opposite. What kind of message is the Black Student Union sending to its fellow students who are white or Jewish?

UC Berkeley has sunk to a new low.


Miggie said...

In some ways this tolerating intolerance is a suicide pact. I understand fully and appreciate all the reasons free speech is so crucial to our country.

Yet, on the other hand, it is being used by our enemies to destroy us. They take advantage of our tolerance to defeat us... that can't go on. The more these things are exposed in the schools and public discourse, the more we will all appreciate what kind of danger we are facing.

Even the soft headed judges and the kind-hearted people who love tolerance so much even while they get blown up, will come to appreciate what we are up against.

The judges that get mugged and all the kind-hearted coeds that get raped in Occupy garbage dumps get the idea. As soon as Farrakhan goons start to take over UC classrooms, even the ultra liberal professors will get the message.

Anonymous said...

If you believe Louis Farrakhan has the right to free speech, and also believe bringing such a hateful, bigoted speaker to campus is disgusting, sign the petition to show your outrage: