"We don't have enough gay students."
The University of California is considering putting a box on its student application forms for sexual preference. (I am not making this up, folks.)
OK, OK. I get it. Gays are a protected class, and there are discrimination issues involved. I also understand that it is optional. But gee golly; can't people just keep their sex lives to themselves? I mean if you ask me what my orientation is, or who I sleep with, I say, "None of your business." That's not to say I want gays back in the closet. Just keep in mind, however, records kept for the purest of reasons today can be used for the most evil of reasons tomorrow. Do any of us want anything about our sexuality sittng in some university file?
But let's say that these forms are created and used. Let's say that a university determines that 5% even filled out the box, and 5% of those indicated they were gay.
What now?
Do the bean counters from Eric Holder's Justice Department come marching in with their analytical formulas and say their is a prima facie case that UC is discriminating against gays because they determine that only 2% of students on campus are gay? Do they sue UC because they don't have enough gays? How about gay teachers?
What if gay students simply are not applying in the desired numbers? Do we start a recruiting program for gays, offering them scholarships, special classes, or other incentives? Maybe we should resort to bussing, like they do in high schools. We could simply transfer gays from one UC campus to another so each campus has the right number of gays.
Maybe we should improve our methods of identifying gay students. The old Nazis had a great idea-pink stars, right? Gay prisoners had to waer pink stars or pink something or other.
What a wonderful idea some pinhead at UC dreamed up.

"Ah wunnerful, ah, wunnerful, ah."
I guess checking the box and commenting next to it:
"Sometimes I'm gay, and sometimes I'm sad."
Many years ago, on a college campus which shall remain nameless, a small gay club announced "Gay Denim Day," to correct the sloganized condition "we don't know who we are." The idea was that all gay people would learn to recognize each other as the people who wore an item of denim clothing that day. A team ostentatiously sat at a table outside the cafeteria, ringing a little bell and marking down has marks on a sheet of paper whenever someone walked by wearing denim.
Needless to say, almost EVERYONE on campus ROUTINELY wore denim, and few if any consciously refrained out of a desire not to be counted.
Another absolutely ridiculous idea for the government to get into the lives and affairs of the people. They want to control EVERYTHING.
So if some bright, properly indoctrinated, bureaucrat decides UCI, for example, has an insufficient number of Gays, does he adjust the requirements to get into UCI in some way to favor them? What about the person who earned that slot? What about the Albino Rights? Is there a box for them? They may be under-represented. Don't forget the Rights of short (or tall) people, not to mention the fat people, and those others who have some other odd sexual orientation that is under-represented in this utopia of a multicultural, fair outcomes, institution.
What do they do when they have too many Gays? Cut them out? Fair is fair. What about someone who gay (good) but also white (bad)? They need a couple of thousand pages of regulations to sort all this out.
The left never, ever, asks, "What comes next?" They never consider consequences. ALL they want is the perfect society now and they take steps to make it come about now.
I'm sure this all works out fine in the faculty lounge discussions, so why wouldn't it work in society?
I wonder what kind of process the question went through to get on the application and who the sponsor is.
The next white student who doesn't make the cut for admission just has to announce that they are gay. After their freshman year, they can always have a change of "heart."
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