"Restorative justice. That's the ticket. Problem solved, right boys?"
Stop the presses! All those complaints about anti-Semitism on the University of California campuses are finally going to be straightened out. The UC president......

Mark Yudoff, has initiated a new program that will end anti-Semitic hate speech on all campuses forever.
Restorative Justice.

The UC Irvine campus paper, New University, has the scoop.
Wow! We are even incorporating the Palestinian method of conflict resolution. How cool.
"They call it sulha."
I am certainly gratified that our UCI Diretor of Student Conduct, Edgar Dormitorio, has endorsed the program. He sure has witnessed enough conflict at UCI over the years-especially at those annual Israel Apartheid events every May.
I noted that the article said something about dealing with racial slurs and homophobia. I assume it means all forms of hate, no matter who the victims or perpetrators are. Anyway, it's nice to know we will have a civil campus this coming May. No more hate speakers will be coming, right?
I give this idiot of a program not a chance of success. In fact, the victim and his/her parents will probably look to real solutions to the problem: The US Courts and a multi-million dollar lawsuit.
Problems will be solved.
Things have been pretty calm in Milwaukee since Jewish and Muslim students actually sat down in the same room to talk to each other. It wasn't smooth and easy, but the atmosphere has been a lot better than what seems to be happening in California, where both sides continue to scream obscenities and/or epithets at each other in the spirit of Fousesquawk.
"Restorative justice" may be a little much to expect, since they are arguing over the same land and both want it all. Split the difference is the best either of them are going to get. But letting the other side finish speaking, then receiving the same courtesy, that goes a long way. Try it some time.
(I know, those nasty Muslims NEVER let you finish a sentence... that's why you need some moderators and facilitators and all that stuff.)
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