Lara Logan at Tahrir Square in Cairo
Hat tip to Arab Lesbians Against Hate and Bikyamasr
Last year, when American reporter Lara Logan was sexually assaulted by a mob in Cairo's Tahrir Square, there was no way our mainstream media could cover that up. However, Logan is not the only female who has been victimized by gangs of men at these demonstrations in Tahrir Square. Their fates don't get nearly the press attention in the West as Logan's. Why is that? The below report is cross-posted from Arab Lesbians Against Hate, which links the report from Bikyamasr, an Egyptian-based blog.
Clearly, there is an ugly side to this so-called "Arab Spring", which is now a joke if you continue to use the term in a serious vein. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood is consolidating its control in the legislature and is now directing its attention to displacing the army from any power. But that is a separate issue.
Let us also keep in mind that there have been recurring reports of young Western women going to the disputed territories to join the Palestinian movement. Several of these gullible young women have been raped or sexually assaulted in some form by the very people they thought they were helping. Yet, our media doesn't seem to be interested in reporting that to our public. On a local level here in California, we still have this asinine Olive Tree Initiative, which sends University of California students to Israel and the disputed territories. In the latter case, college-age kids, male and female, are being escorted around the Palestinian Authority by seasoned anti-Israel activists connected to the International Solidarity Movement. I am just waiting for some harm to fall on some of those kids, so I can say, "I told you so", as the lawsuits fly.
But back to Egypt. At what point does the American public ask why we continue to give foreign aid to Egypt? It appears that our giving to Egypt is nothing more than bribe money, first to keep the peace with Israel-now just to hope they don't become a radical Islamic state.
1 comment:
Clearly there is an UGLY COMPONENT to the population of Egypt. Is that different from any other country?
If a man fondles a woman in from of the Orange County court house, does that tell us what the people of Orange County are like?
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