
Monday, February 6, 2012

Superbowl Half-Time -Another Malfunction

I was never a fan of Madonna. I thought her singing voice was mediocre, her songs bad and her lyrics pretty vanilla not withstanding her reputation for being provocative. Actually, I usually skip the half time shows at the Super Bowl since they are all the same-500 18-somethings running out on the field and grab-assing with smoke bombs going off. Who needs it? I decided to watch it this time out of curiosity. I figured maybe I could learn why Madonna had become a star. Actually, I was wondering if the angry union thugs were going to shut down the event and keep her from singing. I guess Madonna decided to cross the picket lines and not "stand in solidarity with the working man". The Indianapolis Colts may not have been there, but it appears the Indianapolis cops were and scored a victory.

By now, we all know the story. Some rapper named MIA gave the finger to the crowd and muttered an obscenity. Well, what did you expect? But I gotta tell you; somebody needs to break the news to Madonna. It's over.

I mean what is the big deal about some 53-year-old woman dressed up like Batwoman surrounded by 100 or so half-dressed, well-oiled bodies cavorting around the stage and lip-syncing? I thought that went out with American Bandstand. Madonna's dancing now consists of walking back and forth across the stage and walking up and down steps. Big deal.

I just figured it out. The Freudian appeal of her performances is the sub-conscious perception that she may have sex with those 100 well-oiled bodies right on-stage. Now wouldn't that be a wardrobe malfunction?

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