Cross-posted from Jihad i Malmo
Arfahan Bhatti on left

Arfahan Bhatti on left
The Swedish blog, Jihad i Malmo, is also reporting on the latest developments in Norway, where radical Islamists are threatening the country, its people, the government, the prime minister, and the royal family. The immediate specific issue is the presence of Norwegian troops in Norway. In the past month, a threatening YouTube video was produced, and the prime mister, Jens Stoltenberg, received a threatening message on his Facebook. In the past week, the police have arrested two extremists, one of whom, Mohyeldeen Mohammad, has a lengthy history. Below is the Swedish text of the article with English translation. The actual threat is in Norwegian.
Norges statsminister Jens
Stoltenberg fick häromdagen
följande meddelande på sin
Norwegian prime minister Jens Stoltenberg received the following message in his Facebook the other day:
«Til: Jens KAFIR Stoltenberg
Fiende av Allah, massemorder og
terrorist! Trekk soldatene ut av
Allah vil straffe deg for dine
ugjerninger, måtte du brenne
evig i Helvetet!»
"To Jens Stoltenberg, enemy of Allah, mass-murder and terrorist: Get the soldiers out of Afghanistan! God will punish you for your misdeeds, May you burn forever in Hell."
Detta kunde snabbt spåras till den
ökände irakiske salafisten
som greps av säkerhetspolisen.
This was quickly traced to the notorious Iraqi Salafist Mohyeldine Mohammad, who was arrested by security police.
This was quickly traced to the notorious Iraqi Salafist Mohyeldine Mohammad, who was arrested by security police.
demonstration i januari publicerades
en film på YouTube, som åklagaren
bedömde som ett direkt mordhot mot
kungafamiljen och regeringen. Det
ledde till att en 21-årig konvertit från
Skien greps och åtalades.
Even after an Islamist anti-Norwegian demonstration in January published a film on YouTube, which the prosecutor considered as a direct death threat against the royal family and the government. It led to the arrest and charge also against a 21-year-old convert from Skien.
Polisens utredning visade att det var
Mohyeldeen Mohammad som redigerat
filmen, varefter han greps i onsdags.
Idag meddelade polisen att båda två
fortsatt är åtalade, men att de
försätts på fri fot under dagen.
Police investigation showed that it was Mohyeldeen Mohammad who edited the film, upon which he was arrested on Wednesday. Today, the police said that charges against both continued, but they have been released.
* Mohammad and another 21-year-old were arrested on February 1. Both were released from custody on February 3, but the charges still stand.
In addition, Jihad i Malmo reports that a Social Democrat party leader has stated that another radical Islamist leader, Arfahan Bhatti, should pack up and leave the country for his threats against Norway if troops are not pulled from Afghanistan. Click the link above, which also has a video of Bhatti's words.
Kudos to Arild Stokkan-Grande for having the cojones to speak out against these outrageous activities and threats against the Norwegian people.
* Mohammad and another 21-year-old were arrested on February 1. Both were released from custody on February 3, but the charges still stand.
In addition, Jihad i Malmo reports that a Social Democrat party leader has stated that another radical Islamist leader, Arfahan Bhatti, should pack up and leave the country for his threats against Norway if troops are not pulled from Afghanistan. Click the link above, which also has a video of Bhatti's words.
Kudos to Arild Stokkan-Grande for having the cojones to speak out against these outrageous activities and threats against the Norwegian people.
1 comment:
Sounds like the Norwegian police are doing a good job.
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