
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Jim Moran Says Allen West is Not Representative of African-Americans

Jim "the Jerk" Moran (D-VA) is one of the biggest loudmouths in Congress. Now he has pontificated to MSNBC's British commentator Martin Bashir (who also likes to pontificate on segments of American society) about Allen West's recent comments, which have liberals and Democrats all in a tither. Below is what West told a Republican audience this week.

And here is what loudmouth Moran told Bashir. Moran says that West does not represent African-Americans.

Where does this jerk get off saying that Allen West is not representative of anything? Allen West was a career military officer, a Lt. Colonel, who served his country in combat. Moran has never served in the military. Most African-Americans his age (He was born in 1945.) served their country in uniform.

This man (Moran) is someone with a long and embarrassing history of making inflammatory statements. Now he jumps into this routine of implying that a black conservative who expresses love of country is some sort of "Uncle Tom".

I have news for Jim Moran; ten Jim Morans couldn't make one Allen West.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Gary, to most African Americans, and some other Methodists, a "tither" is someone who gives ten percent of their income to the church. So what you mean by West having liberals in a "tither" I can't imagine.

Allen West is not representative of anyone except his own district.

Gary Fouse said...

Must be a west coast term. Or maybe I got it from my Mom, who was from N carolina. It rhymes with wither

elwood p suggins said...

Leave your comment
Is either of you possibly thinking of being in a "dither" (an old Arkansas/Deep South term which also rhymes with "wither", and yes it is in both my Funk & Wagnall's and my WNNCD)??

elwood p suggins said...

P.S.--sorry, just wanted to also say that Moran is indeed absolutely one of the biggest doofuses in Congress, surpassed by few indeed.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Perhaps surpassed by no one except Allen West.