Ayatollah Khamenei
To all of those fools in the West who think that the Iranian regime is benign and who have lent that regime their support, you need to read this article. Here we see that that real leader of Iran, the Ayatollah Khamenei, is just as determined to wipe out Israel and kill Jews as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Are you reading this George Galloway, Yvonne Ridley and Rabbi Ysroel Dovid Weiss?
This is not another cold war with the Soviet Union. They were evil, but not irrational. The nuclear deterrent kept them in line. This regime is not rational. If they ignite a conflict that would lead to a nuclear Armageddon, they don't care. This is a nation led by religious fanatics. Like it or not, we are a collision course with this evil regime.
With Muslims when has it ever not been "Kill the Jews".
This is their mantra all over the world. Spoken from the pulpit of their mosques. Taught to their children while in the womb. This is what every Muslim knows and you cannot get it out of them.
Coincidentally, I'm reading The Twelfth Iman by Joel Rosenberg. It is fiction but chillingly close to a course of events that seem to be coming to pass, if you accord any credence in what this Ayatollah is saying.
Right on Findalis! Muslims pray five times a day and the open prayer always includes: Koran 1:7 Not the path of those who anger you (the Jews) nor the path of those who go astray (the Christians). Somehow, the "Dhimmis" do not get this. You, me, the Christians, Jews and other non-muslims are subject to dhimmi poll tax, subjugation, conversion or death. In the case of Iran, the Ayatollah has chosen death for Jews and Israel.
Who is Jane and who is an ignorant slut? Enough with that language.
No anti-Semitism prior to 1948. You're a history buff. Research the grand mufti of jerusalem Amin al Husseini, of whom I have written many times. Also do some research on the Arabic word, dhimmi.
War? Someone has to take out the Iranian regime. Preferably an international coalition, but it is unavoidable.
When Mohammad left Mecca to go to Medina, he killed all the Jews in the town. Later, he went to Khyber and killed all the jews in that town and enslaved the women. This was the start of Islamic anti-Semitism. I would suggest that you read Andrew Bostom's tome, "The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism". This book is over 700 pages of well documented text. I think it will give you a good perspective on this issue that is carried on into present time.
@ Miggie,
You have a point!
Gary, you should read more carefully. I said before 1948 there was no GENERAL hostility by Muslims toward Jews. My second sentence was specific to the immediate environs of Jerusalem. Amin al Husseini was precisely the reason a separate sentence dealing with that specific part of the world was necessary, and a timeframe back to the late 19th century.
Squid: I am also familiar with the incidents you mention. You exaggerate a little, but over a period of years, they happened, due to local tribal conflicts that Muhammed alternately played or felt threatened by. These incidents pre-dated the conquests of the caliphates. Somehow, despite Muhammed's conflicts with three Arabic-speaking Jewish tribes on the Arabian peninsula, Caliph Umar was pleased to accept their help, pleased to gather every identifiable fragment of the Temple to incorporate into his first mosque in Jerusalem, and the Abbasid caliphs were pleased to play host to a good deal of authoritative Talmudic scholarship.
Miggie: I don't know everything, it just seems like I do when I go up against you.
Gary: "Jane you ignorant slut..." was a constant refrain in the "Point Counterpoint" skit by the original Saturday Night Live Cast, between Chevy Chase and Jane Curtin. It was a spoof on Shana Alexander vs. Kilpatrick the conservative on one of the news shows. I bet Findalis is old enough to remember.
Oh, I'm sorry, it wasn't Chevy Chase, it was Dan Akroyd.
See, I don't know everything, not without stopping to think twice about some details.
I recomme3nd you do some reading in the Koran and the hadith. You will find a lot of material that pre-dates 1948 or the Zionist movement of the late 19th century.
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