Mark Landsbaum, a columnist for the Orange County Register has a great piece in today's Orange County Register about how the powers that be use the Global Warming scare to enhance their power.
Here in California, with that insane "Run Down" Jerry Brown again running things into the ground, we are fighting to stave off yet another tax increase and his crazy scheme to build a high speed railroad, which we need as much as we need a cholera epidemic. Never mind that we don't have the money to pay for it. (The state is broke and in the red.) Brown wants a high speed railroad. Another insane politician in California, Loretta Sanchez, says we need a high speed railroad to prevent any more traffic jams caused when trucks overturn on busy LA freeways. Thus, we need to pay more taxes to the rascals and scoundrels in Sacramento. I wonder how that corrupt California Air Resources Board is going to enforce that rule that 15% of all cars sold in California are going to be zero emissions. Do they really think they can force 15% of all buyers to purchase one of those jokemobiles?
And Global Warming? As Landsbaum points out, most of these so-called "climate researchers" have been bought off by the government in the form of research grants-as long as they come up with the right conclusions. That's why you hear so much about how 97% of the scientists believe in GW and its man-made causes. That's why there was such a big scandal when it was revealed that the gang at E Anglia University's Climate Research Unit crafted their findings to fit into the Al Gore movie script, so Big Al and his pal from India could win those Nobel prizes.
But, as the elite tell us from their limosines and private jets, we must all reduce our "carbon footprint", whatever the Hell that is. This week, while dining in the UC Irvine cafeteria, all the dishes had a "carbon footprint count" rating, bejeezus. But fear not. I am doing my part to reduce my carbon footprint. I'm buying smaller size shoes.
The powers that be use ANYTHING under the sun to enhance their power. That's why the more the Jefferson Airplane sang pseudo-revolutionary lyrics, the bigger their contracts from the record companies. Neither truth nor falsehood can be deduces from the fact that the powers that be are using a phenomena to their own advantage.
Global warming will become a truly powerful paradigm when one of two things happen:
Millions of people start dying of the effects, directly and unmistakable, or,
some company with a hot new product to deal with global warming pulls off an IPO. That's the way our world operates. Nothing happens because Al Gore made a movie.
Great article! I liked this part:"The air police also don't consider news that, despite CO2 emissions increasing dramatically over the past 15 years, temperatures haven't. Even the hotbed of global warming propaganda, Britain's Climate Research Unit, and England's Meteorological Office in a veritable whisper had to concede in recent days that not only isn't it getting much hotter, as global warming theory says it must, it's not getting warmer at all."
It has been a giant scam and boondoggle. Even the scammers are admitting it. The problem is that it has been horrendously expensive and the ones who hang on, like Obama, will continue to make disastrous decisions, further hurting the economy, in homage to this false God.
Maybe nobody in California has noticed, but in the rest of the country, temperatures HAVE gone up, quite observably. But Miggie never let a fact get in the way of a good expostulation.
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