Recently, I have written a few articles on the on-going travails of Fullerton, a community in Orange County that is reeling from a series of police scandals, which culminated last year with the beating death of a homeless man named Kelly Thomas, an incident that has outraged the community. To date, two cops have been charged and are awaiting trial. In addition, there is a recall effort in progress against three of the town's 5 city council members including the former police chief, Pat McKinley, who was the subject of a video I posted showing him hopelessly trying to answer a question from a local female concerned about being molested if a cop stops her.
Another target of the recall is Dick Jones, who is the butt of many jokes in Fullerton. The below video, courtesy of Friends for Fullerton's Future, shows you why.
This guy is a doctor???!!?
But fear not, o denizens of Fullerton. Native son, Rusty Kennedy and his Orange County Human Relations Commission are on the job conducting sensitivity sessions for the city's cops in dealing with the homeless.
Kennedy is a long-time pal of McKinley, and Rusty's sister runs the local Fullerton fish wrap (Fullerton Observer). You see, it's all one big happy family in Fullerton. In fact, McKinley even served on Rusty's commission. That leads to an interesting question: Given all the police scandals in recent years, and given that the OCHRC is supposed to be a clearinghouse for complaints against the police, how many complaints have been acted on by the OCHRC?
Stay tuned.
In my humble opinion, I bet alot of people went to rusty's "clearinghouse" and complained about the Fullerton Police beatings, molestings of femaile detainees, false arrests, perjury, suspicious jail suicide and murder.
and I would not be surprised if Rusty Kennedy, the friend and colleague of retired Fullerton Police chief and current Fullerton city council member, Pat Mckinley, quickly dispatched these same complaints to his circular file.
Which is what he did with my letter complaining about anti-Semitic hate speech at UC Irvine after he wrote me a nasty response. Kennedy practices very selective, politically-correct outrage when it comes to the topic of who hates who.
so true, Gary. Remember last january(2011)? a spate of racial and religious epithets were spray pointed around the OC? Rusty was running to the media screaming about roving bands of white supremacists were striking terror into the hearts of the OC. Actually, it was lone, schizophrenic woman . No apologies from rusty
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