Embattled Attorney General Eric Holder, aside from repeating his lies about Fast and Furious, told Congress yesterday that DOJ will defend Obama's "grand compromise" in court.
Meanwhile, Catholics are fuming over a piece written in the Huffington Post by Larry Doyle that insulted their religion (to put it mildly). They are demanding that publisher Arianna Huffington (Greece's greatest gift to the US until bankruptcy) issue an apology.
But the piece de resistance has to be the testimony before Congress (per request of Nancy Pelosi) of Georgetown Law School student Sandra Fluke on the devastating cost of contraceptives to her and her schoolmates. Get out your handkerchiefs as you watch this. (Hat tip CNS News)
Yes, folks. A typical law school student-especially one on a public interest scholarship- must pay out $3,000 during law school for contraceptives. That's what I call sexually active. You know the old story, it's either food for the week or condoms for the week. One wonders what the next entitlement will be.
Two out of three of these topics are discussed much more rationally at The American Conservative; I haven't seen anything about Fast & Furious, probably because there's nothing worth talking about.
I feel as sorry for those thin-skinned Catholics who want a fuzzy-wuzzy apowojee after someone said something mean about their religion, as I do for the rather small minority of Muslims who berate Gary for saying they aren't all paragons of democratic virtue.
We're all adults here, right? Act like one.
Now that law school student at a Catholic college who wants SOMEONE to pay $30000 for her contraception?
1) If you're big enough to do it, you're big enough to pay for your own protection.
2) Medical care isn't free -- if you are on your parents' policy, your mom and dad are working very hard for that $3000, which comes out of premiums their employer(s) pay as part of their compensation package.
3) Several people commented at ACT to point out that there are much cheaper ways to handle contraception, so what planet does this spoiled brat live on that she has to spend $3000 on it, even over three years?
If you are a young man considering which college to choose, the scale now tips in favor of George Washington if all the coeds are this active sexually.
Come on, UC, try to keep up.
$3000 for contraception? What the hell? Planned Parenthood charges less. $1500 for the 3 years of Law School. The Local Health Department charges on a sliding scale. It seems that this lady is buy the expensive French Ticklers. And like most liberals she is a fool. Condoms are to be bought by the man. It is his responsibility.
There is one explanation on her cost of condoms. They are a business expense and she is a Hooker. Why else would she use so many Condoms? That or she gives away what a smart woman would charge for.
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