That's Gerald Connolly (D-VA) berating the clergy for having the temerity to stand against all that President Obama is trying to do.
I have a great suggestion for the Catholic Church; in fact, all faiths can consider my grand idea. Sign a concordat with Obama.
And that "corcordat" is: In the Catholic Church, forced contraception by a statist President is a No-No!
I was glad to see that many religions were represented at this Congressional hearing. The Dems do not get it. The more they protect the President and his Marxist HHS Seretary, the more they bury themselves.
Since when is contraception a "women's health measure"?
Is there some kind of emergency just discovered that requires all citizens (or just the rich ones )to pay for contraception for all women? It is not like contraception ( or abstinence) is expensive or not readily available everywhere.
It is government intrusion into every nook and cranny of personal lives. They HAVE to control everything! More people at the trough, more votes and contributions to the Democratic Party.
Obama wouldn't sign a concordat with a certain foreign prince known as the Pope. I do regret that Garibaldi didn't go ahead and take the Vatican, as well as the rest of Rome, after the last emperor to sign a concordat, Napoleon III, had to pull out his troops as he lost the war with Prussia.
Earth to Miggie: the government doesn't control anything: the individual insured has complete control. That would not be the case if COVERAGE were not required of all insurance issuers. Government's role is to protect individual liberty by imposing restraint on large corporate quasi-monopolistic businesses.
The Catholic Church could get even with the Democrats. All they have to do is declare voting for a Democrat a Mortal Sin punishable by Excommunication.
Findalis, that would be foolish coming from the mouth of a Roman Catholic woman. It borders on treason coming from a Jewish woman.
It also isn't a very effective idea. Using contraception is already a mortal sin, and about 70% of Roman Catholics do so anyway. IF they were all excommunicated, the bishops couldn't even PRETEND that they speak for a politically powerful bloc of voters.
Besides, its a secret ballot, so how are they going to find out who's been naughty and who's been nice anyway?
Roman Catholics, like most Americans, vote as the please, in all kinds of interesting ways, which are beyond anybody's ability to dictate.
Wait... what if all Muslim voters were informed they would be subject to a Fatwa unless they voted a certain way? Would you approve?
@ Siarlys
Can't make a joke any more I see.
That survey that the left is quoting didn't call it contraception but birth control. Yes 98% of Catholic women use birth control. 90% use the Rhythm Method.
I didn't say 98% Findalis... I know better. I said 70%, which is closer to credible. Of course, no matter how much polling and headcounting people do, nobody really knows for sure. The notion that 90 percent rely on Natural Family Planning (as the more sophisticated variations on the rhythm method are now known) is also ludicrous.
Funny how Gary supports giving legal recognition to Roman Catholic canon law, but not to Shariah. Neither one has any place in our constitutional framework.
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