"Chris Matthews, you've got a weak show."
Not since April 14, 1865 has Ford's Theater in Washington had such an embarrassing event. Here is what Chris Matthews had to say Monday when a Daily Caller reporter asked him about Mimi Alford's book on JFK.
Well, of course Matthews is hoping Alford's book doesn't sell especially coming on the heels of his own fawning book on JFK. Not even Matthews could omit the womanizing part of President Kennedy's life, but Alford's allegations, if true, put a whole new light on the martyred president. Blatant womanizing is one thing but handing off a 19-year-old White House intern to his aides for oral sex is quite another.
We already know that Kennedy had an affair in the White House with Judith Campbell Exner, who was at the same time, the girlfriend of Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana. That is the epitome of reckless behavior and puts any president in a position of being blackmailed-to the detriment of the nation. We are still wondering whether the mob had any involvement in Kennedy's assassination.
As president, Kennedy was a mixed bag once you get past the looks and charisma. He was good in some areas and not so good in others. He may have been a hero during the war, but he was not the all-around hero Matthews thinks he is.
Of course, we already know that Chris has a strange way of picking heroes.
JFK was never the great liberal that the left claims he was. His brothers were, but JFK was a true moderate.
If JFK hadn't been killed he may not have won a second term. And would have faded into history half-forgotten.
ALL of our presidents have been mixed bags. And there are no heroes... even Thomas Jefferson was flawed.
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