(Fox News)
Invading Afghanistan after 9-11 was an imperative. President Bush had demanded that the Taliban government turn over Usama bin Laden and Al Qaeda. The Taliban refused and continued to harbor them. It was clear what we had to do. More than a decade later, our mission is less clear. Most of the enemy is holed up in their sanctuaries in Pakistan and being taken out one by one or group by group with drone missiles. However, Afghanistan is not worth sacrificing any more American lives for.
Let's be frank; Afghanistan is a primitive, backward country that will always be a primitive and backward country. Eventually, the Taliban or something similar will be back in power. President Karzai is a corrupt and ungrateful leader who is not worth propping up any longer.
This latest episode over inadvertent Koran burning demonstrates that we can never win the hearts and minds of the populace. Now two US advisers have been murdered. Once again, President Obama has apologized for American conduct. Once again, American personnel are murdered by those they thought they were defending. As the mobs rampage and scream, "Death to America", I say it is time to declare victory and come home. As for those bastards hiding in Waziristan, find a friendly country in the region (if we can), set up a small base from which we can launch drone missiles when targets of opportunity arise, and push the right buttons from some Air Force base in Nevada. That's pretty much what we are doing now, isn't it?
Nation-building doesn't work, except when you are dealing with civilizations like Japan or Germany. Afghanistan is no Japan or Germany. Neither is Pakistan. Neither is Iraq. In the immortal words of Newt Gingrich, just the other day, we should tell Karzai, "Good bye and good luck."
Or better yet, here is an "apology" from an everyday American citizen. Enjoy.
I was intending to put this video up on the blog site sometime and I suppose this is as good a place as any. His discussion is broader than just Afghanistan and deals with the broader issue of Islam vs Civilization.
Wait a minute! Didn't candidate Obama tell us that Iraq was the wrong war and Afghanistan was the "right" war? Until he built up the forces their (and had his own "surge" there) all we had were small CIA teams there, working with friendly war lords. We were not "nation building" or anything like that the president seems to be undertaking.
It certainly looks lke a lost cause. Thanks, Obama, for one of the worst foreign policies imaginable.
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