As previously reported, the Occupy movement decided they wanted to crash the party at Pasadena's Rose Parade. Enabled by the cowards who represent the city and the parade, the occupiers were allowed to trail the final float down Colorado Blvd. Here is a video of their demonstration, in which they built a giant octopus as their symbol of somebody strangling the financial world. (Guess who.)
That octopus has great symbolism. It is reminiscent of the old cartoon drawing showing the Jewish octopus strangling the world's economy.

Ever since this Occupy phenomena began, there has been the specter of anti-Semitism as expressed by many of the individual protesters and many of their posters. The implication is clear. Wall, Street is controlled by the Jews. Not to say that every single protester embraces that idea, and, undoubtedly, there are Jewish protesters among them. Yet, it is out there, and it is scandalous that so few are willing to call it out.
Several times the theme has cropped up, especially in New York and Los Angeles. It is no accident that you are seeing Palestinian keffiyas (scarves) on some protesters. It is no accident that CAIR has joined the protesters in New York. They have taken advantage of yet another opportunity for the anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian crowd to link arms with the left. What happened today in Pasadena simply adds more documentation.
Even without the octopus and its ugly symbolism, what happened today in Pasadena was an outrage. The city officials obviously caved in to the demands of the mob, and as a result, the traditional parade was defaced and disgraced as never before in its long history.
Meanwhile, in New York's Zuccotti Park, there was more anarchy and more arrests on New Years eve. A policeman was stabbed in the hand, and protesters obstructed the ambulance trying to take him to the hospital.
The battle lines are being drawn for this November's election. This is President Obama's crowd out there. You see almost nothing; you hear almost nothing said against Obama, the administration or the Democrats. Accordingly, neither Obama nor the Democrats will condemn them.
If this is what you want to see running the country for another 4 years, your choice is clear; Obama is your man.
1) Seems pretty tame to me.
2) Your assumption that any octopus must be a derogation of Jews as the world's dominant capitalists is plain silly.
Yawn. IF this is the best propaganda for voting Republican, President Obama may as well focus on making plans for his second term.
This is the face and the heart of the Democratic Party on display!
The Occupy people attempted to ruin a traditional American day, a legend, with an ugly display of anti - American attack on capitalism and on Republican candidates. There is nothing positive in their messages. All you can discern from their displays is hatred against all others that are harder working, more educated, and better off than them for a myriad of reasons. The disaffected and ignorant have always provided a fertile environment for anti-Semitism.
As you say, if THIS is want for America, vote Obama, no matter what.
The US has a crucial debt crises that Mark Steyn wrote about today..
If we continue with Obama it will be a national disaster. You can just imagine what these Occupy people think should be done about it, if they are even aware of it. The rest of us, responsible members of the society, have to address this massive debt that these inconsequential Occupy losers are ignorant about and the Democrats continue to make worse.
An octopus was also used to symbolize Japan's takeover of The Pacific in WWII propaganda. Perhaps the occupiers are also anti-Japanese as well.
Unless there is something to distinguish those signs as being anti-Semitic (like a Star of David) then there is no reason to assume that it's an anti-Semitic symbol.
Will you please cross post this at Monkey in the Middle.
Let me see if I have this straight: because the Nazis used an octopus as a symbol in some obscure anti-Semitic propaganda some 80 years ago (which yes, was despicable), which most people are probably unaware of, that means any future uses of octopi as propaganda symbols is inherently anti-Semitic.
Do I have that right, Gary?
Whatever Miggie says is the face and the heart of the Democratic Party, must be exactly that. It must be, since we know that Miggie has been for over fifty years, and remains today, a card-carrying Democratic Party member, represents California on the Democratic National Committee, and has been a consultant for every major Democratic campaign since Ronald Reagan was elected.
In other news, the Aryan Nations celebrated Hitler's birthday by announcing that the core values of Judaism are...
For your edification I did a Google image search on arab anti semitic cartoons with octopus. Here is what I found.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1821&bih=736&wrapid=tlif132564152247910&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=Mq8DT4iXN9GJtweq8djQBg#um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=arab+anti-semitic+cartoons+with+octopus&oq=arab+anti-semitic+cartoons+with+octopus&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=s&gs_upl=27783l31090l0l34273l13l13l0l11l0l1l328l655l3-2l2l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=9b43767b9a85eca3&biw=1821&bih=736
If that link doesn't work, just repeat my google search and choose your favorite octopus picture. That stuff can be found in mainstream media in Arab countries.
C'thulhul or whatever your name is,
I note with irony you have an octopus-like logo yourself. As with anonymous, I invite you to check out the link or do the google search I described to Anonymous. It's out there in the open.
I think it' ssilly, but anti-semites have been using it for a long time.
Maybe the protestors were anti-Iranian.
Bonus: Wikipedia article on Cthulhu
"For your edification I did a Google image search on arab anti semitic cartoons with octopus. Here is what I found."
And what the hell does that have to do with what happened at the Rose Parade? You're really reaching here. It's a stretch even by your low standards.
You say the octopus is irrelevent because some Nazis used it 80 years ago. I showed you that it is still used as a symbol of anti-jewish hate today in the Middle East. Did you not view the pictures?
Do you really think that the average person (ie, people who don't live in the right-wing blogosphere echo chamber) really keeps up with trends in Middle-Eastern political cartoons?
Like I said, you're really stretching on this one, even for you.
Thanks to Gary's mention and Anonymous' link I did a little search myself and came up with this information
Interesting where these blog side streets will take you. Here is a subculture I was completely unaware of before. This crap must be a lot more interesting than actually working and therefore would appeal to the OWP folks. Demonizing a mystical monster with all kinds of "powers" fits right in to a justification of why they are such losers in life.
I suppose Google ranks right up there with the FBI for dispensing unreliable statistics. If I got all my information from Al Jazeera and my Imam, I would probably agree with Anonymous more often.
I did another Google search on cartoons on Syrian cartoons with octopus just to see if there were as many anti-Assad cartoons as there were anti-Semitic ones you supplied a link for. To be fair, I did find one.
Then again, Assad only killed over 5,000 Muslims in the last few months while the Israelis must have slaughtered millions, if you believe our local imam and Anonymous, in the same time period.
The Octopus is a symbol for anything that spreads its influence throughout the world. Anti-semites might use it, but it's not unique to them.
Personally, I see it all as a sign of disrespect to me, and I will have my vengeance upon them.
Look who is stretching.
Miggie wrote:
"This crap must be a lot more interesting than actually working and therefore would appeal to the OWP folks. Demonizing a mystical monster with all kinds of "powers" fits right in to a justification of why they are such losers in life."
These OWP people do not represent me. They have made a mockery of my image. Miggie, you are a really smart guy, and I usually have nothing but the utmost respect for your keen insights into politics and world events. This time, you have gotten it a bit wrong though. That's okay, we all make mistakes. Keep telling the truth, like you always do, and I will see to it that you are rewarded.
Woould please CP this to Patriot's Corner, it does not matter that this is a couple days past news.
To siarlys and anonyomous:
you are reaching in your comments to this post. Do YOUR research and you will find the octopus well represented in anti-semitic circles and has been for decades.
Low standards anonymous? Look no farther than the the first muslim illegal alien occupier in the White House, you moron.
If anyone does their homework and research it is THIS blog owner!
I find libatrds or whatever you call yourself, to be the most narrow minded, ignorant bunch of Alinskyites around. You would fit right in with trash at the OWS filth that polluted Downtown Portland, Oregon.
You are the perfect example of why 'anonymous commenters' are banned at so many sites and blogs.
Thank you, Patriot. Will send it over today.
Man, Patriot USA really hits it out of the park in his response! I have to say that I love his screen name as well! But I think that he could have added a bit too it - JK LOL.
These JERKS don't understand the first thing about prejudice and racism! They're too worried about being politically correct! Obviously, any usage of an octopus must be something against Jews! If these anti-American protesters didn't want to offend Jews, then why did they use an octopus? Why couldn't they use a spider or even a centipede? Just stop and THINK for a minute, Lib-jerks!
He's also right about anonymous posters! What kind of a jerk doesn't use his name when posting? People like Gary, Findalis, Miggie, Patriot USA, Squid, and myself are KEEPING IT REAL, Lib-morons!
Go ahead and say something because it will be stupid and I will laugh.
And I hope that Gary, Findalis and the gang won't mind me including myself in their club. I feel at home with them - and I'd feel like I was in STUPID-TOWN if I was with Siarlys and Anony-JERK.
You go Patriot! I am glad that this parade interloper is not called a "Squid'.
Sorry about assuming a connection that obviously doesn't exist. All the Sci Fi stuff is new to me although I was vaguely aware there was a whole subculture there. I believe the OWS people demonize the circumstances they believe they have no control over (Jews or anyone else who accomplishes anything) and used the octopus monster to represent how insidious and hateful it is as well as how helpless anyone in their reach actually is.
That you took one of the names for an identity gave me the original impression that you were one of them. I see that assumption was mistaken. Not that I am that interested in all the myths and folklore, I am impressed with the entire universes that some of the Sci Fi writers create... down to the last detail of traits and predispositions and centuries of elaborate histories and so on. (The last one I read was Tolkein's Lord of the Rings.)
I regret thinking that you were part of OWS or were sympathizing with them. There was no basis for it in anything you wrote.
America Patriot USA:
Thank you kindly, and your comments are welcome. Thanks for your support.
Of all the sometimes significant topics Gary sometimes posts, TWENTY SIX COMMENTS OVER A DARN OCTOPUS? I fear for the stability of the Republic!
Anyone who wants to suggest a many tentacled entity that attaches itself by powerful suction cups to its prey or host uses an octopus as a convenient metaphor. Just ask James Bond -- or maybe he was a closet anti-Semite too?
Here is inside view of the Jews in Israel, plotting the murder of innocent Arabs on the road to world domination.
flash mob - hora Jerusalem ???? ??? ???? ??????? - YouTube
BTW, the word means "Peace".
The best organizational effort the OWS people can pull off is a "mic check" disruption.
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