
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ron Paul Doesn't Get My Vote

Ron Paul is a perfect example of how libertarians have lots of good ideas and lots of bad ideas. In Paul's case, in my view, his bad ideas outweigh his good ones.

On the positive side, Paul believes in smaller government and big cuts in spending and taxes. I'm with him on those two points. However, as president, his power to make those changes is limited. Not so when it comes to foreign policy, and that's the rub. When it comes to foreign policy, this is Jimmy Carter on steroids. Not that the idea of bringing our troops home from the cauldren that is the Middle East/Afghanistan and Pakistan is necessarily a bad idea. The problem with Paul is that he is blind to the danger that faces us from international Islamic terrorism and rogue nations like Iran.

Paul thinks that we were attacked on 9-11 purely because we had troops in the Middle East (liberating Kuwait and protecting Saudi Arabia). He doesn't think we should be defending Israel in any way. In fact, Paul is apparently, like so many in our State Department, an Arab supporter, who takes the Arab and Palestinian view when it comes to Israel. When it comes to Iran, he doesn't see why they should not have the same right to hold nuclear weapons as we do. (The difference is that we are not ruled by fanatics who don't mind blowing up the world.)

Paul, a doctor, also believes we should not try to enforce laws against illegal drugs. It bothers him that minorities are in jails and prisons for drug offenses. I have news for Paul as an ex-DEA agent. So are a lot of whites who sold or trafficked in drugs. Drug dealing and drug use cut across racial boundaries. I agree that drug users should be treated, but drug traffickers are criminals who deserve to be in prison.

Now come these old news letters under Paul's name that contain racist material. Paul says he knew nothing about them since he didn't write them or approve them. But if it's the Ron Paul newsletter, clearly, he has some responsibility to know what's being written under his name. If I am the owner of the Washington Post, I may not be doing the writing or editing, but there must be some mechanism to ensure that I am informed if something clearly offensive is written. There must be some control to ensure that nothing like that gets published.

Now I find it troubling that Paul did so well in Iowa. He has a small but hard core base of support. They need to take a long look at what a Paul nomination would mean in terms of the general election. He is a candidate who would make Obama look like a reasonable chap in a two-way debate. The sooner he pitches his tent and goes back home, the better.


Matan Lurey said...

At least we agree on Ron Paul.

Serious question though, Barack Obama or Ron Paul, if you had to choose. No abstaining.

Gary Fouse said...

I guess I hold my nose and vote for Paul over Obama, but I would seriously consider staying home.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I agree with Paul on those things you don't, and disagree with him on those things you admire. I'm politically libertarian, on matters of individual liberty, but economically socialist, to protect individual liberty from vast concentrations of capital. Paul doesn't get that threat to individual liberty.

Bottom line: If he ever got a chance to put the U.S. back on the Gold Standard, it would plunge our nation into the worst Depression ever.

Bartender Cabbie said...

Paul vs Obama? Won't happen I'm sure but if it does......I will find someone to "write in." Perhaps the local caterer.

elwood p suggins said...

I am just an old country boy whose first piece of white bread came off the back of a CCC truck, but like Ron Paul, I guess I still don't get how "vast concentrations of capital" interfere with my individual liberty. What have I missed??

elwood p suggins said...

I am just an old country boy whose first piece of white bread came off the back of a CCC truck, but like Ron Paul, I guess I still don't get how "vast concentrations of capital" interfere with my individual liberty. What have I missed??

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Elwood, you've missed that when Ron Paul is through "deregulating" everything and shrinking the government, those vast concentrations of capital will be the biggest players in town, and ride rough-shod over our liberties. They will do that in the name of their own liberties, to ride rough shod over us without the government acting to "promote the general welfare, insure domestic tranquillity, and assure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity."

Gary Fouse said...


Isn't that what Obama is doing now?

elwood p suggins said...

There are already some fairly vast concentrations of capital out there, which makes me think that "they" (whoever "they" are")must be currently riding roughshod over our liberties, no?? If so, I guess I just haven't noticed, as I do about what I want to when I want to.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Well, Elwood, you are obviously too young to remember what life was like before government regulators began making half-hearted efforts to rein in those large concentrations of capital...

Gary: "acting to "promote the general welfare, insure domestic tranquillity, and assure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity" is precisely what President Obama is doing now. Thank you for noticing.

(Imprecise use of pronouns Mr. English Teacher).