
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pardons: Something Fishy in Mississippi

Shades of Bill Clinton in his last week in office. Outgoing Mississippi governor Haley Barbour has granted a bunch of pardons and commutations that appear to stink to high heaven. Not only has a judge stepped in, but a couple of these prisoners are convicted murderers, who just happened to be doing work at the governor's mansion. Fox News has the story.

This is why pardons are a bad idea unless a miscarriage of justice has occurred. Our last California ex- governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger made a mockery of this custom by commuting the sentence of a killer who just happened to be the son of ex- Assembly leader Fabian Nunez.

Now comes Barbour, apparently, circumventing the rules to pardon murderers. Hopefully, someone will conduct an investigation.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Gary, you left out the MOST IMPORTANT POINT:

Why isn't anyone harping over and over about the fact that BARBOUR IS A REPUBLICAN!!!

Well, know, I don't really think that is the point. But when at Fousesquawk, do as the Fousesquawkians do.

Gary Fouse said...

Yes, he is Republican, which means I am fair and balanced.

And I am not Republican.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

No, Gary, but the main thing you wanted us to know about Ron Corzine is that HE IS A DEMOCRAT. Remember?

You didn't fill in the same line about Haley Barbour.

I'm not a Democrat either. That is partly because they run such BAD campaign themes, partly because too many at the DNC are spineless cowards, and partly because they seem determined to let what passes for "conservatives" have all the guns -- definitely a bad idea.