"The State of the Union is getting stronger."
Tonight's State of the Union speech, like most State of the Union speeches, was not particularly exciting. This one was one of the most boring I have heard-especially coming from President Obama. Tonight, Obama took me back to when President Ford broke into the first game of the World Series to give a speech in Kansas City before the Future Farmers of America and drove the entire nation into a fury telling us to turn out the lights and clean our plates (Whip Inflation Now). Tonight, it was not only the usual laundry list, it was a technocrat's manifesto. I thought I was listening to an hour long commercial for Magic Jack.
And how about that audience (Congress- our national leaders)? Talk about term limits! It looked like those audiences you used to see on the Lawrence Welk Show.
"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah"
So what was the emotional highlight of the speech-the one that got the biggest rise out of the audience? Was it his joke about spilt milk? Or was it when he called for an energy tax credit bill? Don't ask Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood. He got caught on camera dozing before the guy next to him poked him in the ribs to stand up and clap.
I really got a kick out of it when Obama said that bundlers for Congressional campaigns should not be allowed to lobby before Congress.
What about bundlers for presidential candidates who lobby the White House after said candidate is elected president? Can you say Solyndra and George Kaiser?
Finally, there was his grand announcement of the creation of the new bureaucracy called the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Then, as the camera spanned to a stressed-out looking Attorney General Eric Holder, Obama said he is directing Holder to form a new corps /Corpse/? of criminal investigators to prosecute those responsible for the mortgage meltdown.
It has been almost an hour since the speech ended. Somebody better go back into the chambers and wake up Ray Lahood.
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