"And you can tell that #^*$%# attorney general, he can %$#@^ himself."
Today, President Obama arrived in Arizona, a state his Justice Department is suing. He must have taken the Air Force One Red Eye. I could have sworn I watched him on TV in Washington DC last night. Anyway, what happened next is reported by Weasel Zippers.
So Arizona Governor Jan Brewer had heated words with Obama. Without being privy to the conversation, it is hard to say whether Brewer was out of line or not. As I just tuned on MSNBC, there was "Butter and Egg Man" Ed Schultz waxing indignant to liberal writer E.J. Dionne about the "disrespect" being shown to the President of the United States by Governor Brewer.
Well, if anyone knows anything about disrespectful discourse, it is Ed Schultz. This is the same guy that was suspended by MSNBC for a week for calling Laura Ingraham, a "slut" on radio. Save your lectures, Ed.
As for the President, it seems to me his visit to Arizona was a bit, ahem, inopportune given Fast and Furious and the fact that his corrupt attorney general......
(that would be him)......
is suing the state of Arizona for trying to do something about the mayhem taking place on their border.
I mean, what did he expect-a Hawaiian lei?
Sort of like Gov. Faubus of Arkansas showing respect to President Dwight D. Eisenhower?
Ared you really compasring Brewer to Faubus? C'mon. Brewer is not running segregated schools.
I say good on Jan Brewer for apparently at least attempting, apparently unsuccessfully, to tell Obama how the cow ate the cabbage. And recall that Faubus was not only a stone segregationist (much like Wallace)as Gary observes, but a Democrat to boot. And how about the "dissing" of Bush's election (appointment, according to most if not all of the members)by the walkout of the Congressional Black Caucus (all Democrats, I believe). Just mentioning this stuff to indicate that I guess no one is mmmune??
P.S. to my above--Sorry, but although this posting is not actually about segregation,there are a couple of interesting little studies out there that demonstrate that currently, public school segregation (re-segregation, more accurately) is MUCH more prevalent in the "North", and in California to at least some extent, than in the "South". In particular, since Siarlys mentioned Faubus, Arkansas public schools today are considerably LESS segregated relative to black and Hispanic students than are Wisconsin public schools. Just thought I would mention that.
Brewer is pushing for the state to run a policy that conflicts with the supreme law of the land.
It is a jurisdictional matter. The constitution doesn't prescribe what is sound policy. Brewer can change federal policy by persuading the voters of the other 49 states to elect people who agree with her vision.
Eisenhower object to the Brown v. Board of Education decision. He was querelous about the idea that white college students should sit in the same classroom as black students, without at least a wall of chicken wire separating them. But he enforced the law because it was the law.
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