
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Discover the Networks' Report on the Olive Tree Initiative

Below is the entry for the Olive Tree Initiative on Discover the Networks-a Guide to the Political Left. It also has links containing other articles on OTI.


Miggie said...

OTI is rotten to the core! There are anti-Israel components found whenever anyone looks at it closely. It isinterstial - embedded in the cells and tissues of OTI, from its inception.

Only those who believe UCI sophmores, if they only could get a trip to Israel, see the situation for themselves ( with some "even handed" orientations ) and discuss among themselves to resolve the issues would give any money to the Orange County Jewish Federation.

Only those stupid enough to believe that deserve kids who sympathize with the plight of the Palestinians over the plight of the Israelis.

Everyone else should refuse to donate or participate in any Federation activity unless and until they STOP funding OTI in ANY way and sign the pledge.

Matan Lurey said...

Hi Miggie. Can you show an example of Jewish students returning from OTI "more sympathetic to Palestinians" than Israelis?


Gary Fouse said...


Tee it up, Miggie.

Miggie said...

Matan, I expected that the detailed disclosures of the bias of everyone who formed and still directs OTI, down to the travel agency used would have given you a clue about their orientation.

I have been concerned about OTI from the outset and the letter the Rose Foundation wrote to UCI after the disclosure of the 2009 trip to the West Bank regarding their concern about the reaction of the Jewish community if they found out sealed the deal. Re read that letter.

I have been to several of the OTI Show and Tell presentations over the years and have talked to MSU students ( who don't send any of THEIR members on the "even handed" presentations - they don't want ANY of their members exposed to any possible criticism).

At every single one, both the Jewish and the Muslim (moderate) students say how much they loved the trip and how they now understand better the plight of the poor Palestinians. I can't give you names and dates but I can say that I have NEVER heard any of them say they understand better the Israeli situation.

Words like "Occupied Territory" "Oppression", "Overwhelming superiority" and so on spill forth from their mouths as though they are accepted facts. The fact that Israel is about 6 million (20% Arab) in a hostile sea of hundreds of millions who pray for they eradication is somehow lost on this "even-handed" enterprise.

The fact that some Jews stupidly finance in some part this indoctrination of Jewish students is reprehensible and renders them unfit to represent the Jewish people.

Miggie said...

The longer you are at this, the more you will learn about bias. It is not only what is said, it is how it is said, and what is disclosed and what remains unsaid.

There is only an "event" until a "story" is told by a journalist or someone else. That is true about a train wreck or a comment made by a politician. All the writers have a bias. All the editors have a bias. Certainly the people active in the Palestinian cause and their organizations have a bias. They may represent somebody or something as being from an Israeli source but, as you know, there is a wide range of views in Israel and it is just as easy to get a high ranking official to endorse or condemn a program, depending on which official you select.

The Middle East history can be told a number of different ways, some favorable to the Jewish people and Israel and some unfavorable. Given the background of the activists involved in this project, you should know the bias of the program. Many of us knew or felt this before these recent disclosures. Young people, even college graduates, do not yet have a developed faculty for discerning bias. Children have to be warned not to get into stranger's automobiles. Young people have to be warned about the probability of bias, certainly in situations like this.

If what you hear is presented as accepted fact, that your people are racist warmongers who stole and now illegally occupy lands legitimately owned by others, and you don't know better, then you have a lousy biased education. If you don't speak out about the lies each and every time you hear them, don't call yourself an activist or even someone concerned.

You should not be asking me for specific examples.... you should be asking your sponsors why they pay for the subtle indoctrination of your brothers and sisters. Ask them if they are comfortable with the backgrounds and credentials of those who run OTI. You think the OTI organizers are this involved because they want PEACE? You think their membership and leadership in those organizations is innocent? An unimportant, irrelevant, item not worthy of mention?

This is not an "even handed" program and it strains credulity that you would defend it after all this.

Miggie said...

I doubt that the OTI organizers presented this information in their even handed presentations.