
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Aziz Dweik, Ibrahim Sarsour and Olive Tree Initiative

Jerry Gordon, writing in New English Review, has followed up his article (cross-posted here) on the arrest of Hamas member Aziz Dweik with a related posting on Dweik and Ibrahim Sarsour and their connections with the Olive Tree Initiative. I am cross-posting it here in the interest of fully disclosing the figures that OTI students are meeting with on their trips. The below link contains a video of a Sarsour speech.

Below, Vlad Tepes blog has the same Sarsour speech with translation courtesy of Walid Shoebat.

So when you hear the OTI defenders tell you how they meet with members of Israel's Knesset, that statement needs to be qualified.

Here is my question: If Israel is such an oppressive, apartheid state, how is it that they have Arabs like Sarsour in the Knesset?

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