
Friday, December 2, 2011

More on the UCI/Terry Jones Incident

Today's Orange County Register has reported the incident yesterday at UC Irvine, where campus cops turned Pastor Terry Jones away from campus.

"The Muslim Student Union is communicating with campus administration and police to ensure the safety of students on campus in response to the security alerts sent out Thursday, according to a press release from the group.

"The Muslim Student Union values the right to free speech regardless of the message of the speaker, however it condemns all forms of hate speech and discrimination, including religious intolerance."

An Amazing statement considering their sponsored speakers through the years....

Amir Abdel Malik Ali
Mohammed al-Asi
Addul Alim Musa
George Galloway
Cynthia McKinney

and on and on and on.

Don't forget what the MSU did when Israeli ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, came to speak at UCI.

1 comment:

Squid said...

Do you just love the MSM! They report only what is P.C. or outright slant the news to cement opinion to the far-left or in the direction that is politically favored. Here is an article and video about the UC Davis police and their heroic efforts to disperse the OWS protesters. One group on campus was able to video the entire incident, were students resisted arrest, many times and much more. The Police conducted the least harmful measure and was criticized for it. Here is the video that Brian Williams must have missed, or chose not to include in his rant.

So, we have the OC Register reporting on the MSU and their peacefulness and tolerance. Ms. Molina needs to wake up and get it right.
