Also under fire is the Fullerton City Council and the buffoon mayor of Fullerton, a guy named Dick Jones. The blog, Friends for Fullerton's Future, which I have just linked on Fousesquawk, is all over this matter. Below is their most recent article.
But fear not, oh Fullerton residents. Native son, Rusty Kennedy, CEO of the Orange County Human Relations Commisssion, is on the job. He has been appointed to head a Homeless Task Force on the recommendation of City Council member Pat McKinley, who is the former Chief of Police of Fullerton as well as a former OCHRC board member.
Take particular note in the comment thread (#60). Reader Van explains the alleged relationship between Kennedy and McKinley.
"And let us not forget ex-Fullerton police chief and proud member of the Orange County Human Relations(OCHRC), Fullerton council person Pat McKinley’s colleague, Rusty Kennedy. The same Rusty Kennedy who was given a glowing recommendation from Pat McKInley to act as head of the Fullerton Task Force on Homelessness. Now, how would Pat McKinley know Rusty would do a good job directing this task force? Because Rusty Kennedy also is the CEO of the OCHRC who acts as a clearing house for OC residents who complain their civil rights have been violated by law enforcement. Now, maybe it is just me, but I find it strange that Fullerton Police Dept.’s long history of police abuse upon our community never caught the attention of Rusty Kennedy and his commission.I wonder if this was due to then Fullerton Police Chief Pat McKinley serving on the board of same commission. I’m sure Rusty Kennedy will do a good job as director of the Fullerton Task Force On Homelessness in Fullerton, just ask his colleague, Pat McKinley."
Nor did anti-Semitic hate speech at UC Irvine ever catch the attention of Kennedy and his white elephant, $300,000 a year OCHRC although I sure tried to bring it to his attention. (He ignored it.) Kennedy prefers to bestow honors on people like former head of the Islamic Society of North America Imam Muzammil Siddiqi with his prestigious annual "Rusty Award" (pictured below):
And don't forget, this is the same "Human Relations" guy who went off to South Africa on the tax-payers' dime to attend the Durban Conference that was dedicated to bashing Israel, as well as fete none other than the below humanitarian for winning the Nobel Peace Prize.
So sleep well tonight, all you homeless folks in Fullerton. Rusty Kennedy is on the job.
maybe fousesquawk and Friends For Fullerton Future will rout out Rusty Kennedy from Orange County Human Relations Commission. This commission may have done good works , but under the direction of its CEO, Rusty Kennedy, it has devolved into nothing more than a diversionary tactic away from true civil rights abuses
Anti-Semitic hate speech motivated Fullerton police officers to kill homeless man? What is incestuous is the logic by which you string together all your favorite rants, and nail them to a specific incident. Was the deceased even Jewish?
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