
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fast and Furious: The Whistleblowers

The below Fox News report brings us up-to-date on the status of the ATF whistleblowers who spoke out about Operation Fast and Furious. While the politicos in he Justice Department and other higher-ups scramble for cover and lie, they maintain their positions as the actual agents who blew the whistle are being transferred and turned into pariahs within ATF.

Fast and Furious is the classic example of how the political operatives brought into power by an administration corrupt the agencies charged with enforcing our laws. Nixon did it with the IRS. JFK and Clinton did it with the Secret Service. Obama has done it with ATF.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Nixon used the IRS to actively pursue, audit, and trump up material (if possible) on anyone who was a political opponent of the Nixon administration.

I have yet to hear of Obama directing the ATF to obtain search warrants on the homes and offices of any member of the Republican Party who criticized the administration.

"The first half of an analogy is always easier than the second half, in which respect it resembles life, but not, of course, love."