
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fast and Furious: The Full Truth Must Come Out

Bob Owens, writing in PJ Media, explores another troubling aspect of the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry last December. There are indications that the DEA and FBI may have had advance knowledge of the presence of a "rip-off team" in the area where Agent Terry was killed on December 14 and failed to notify the Border Patrol. There are also (persistent) reports that an FBI informant was connected to this group as well as a third gun linked to ATF's Operation Fast and Furious.

This is painful for me to contemplate as a retired DEA agent, but the full truth must come out no matter where it leads. Everybody connected to this episode must be placed under oath and made to testify before Congress. DOJ has demonstrated that it cannot investigate itself.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yeah, and your old agency is laundering money for the same drug cartels:

Of course those involved SAY it's different, but the principle is the same: law enforcement agencies doing work for the cartels because it allows them to track where everything is moving.

Sometimes a necessary method.

elwood p suggins said...

Reproduced below is a portion of a Daily Caller blog by Neil Munro and Matthew Boyle dated 11/29/11. A confirming video clip was accompanied it. A First Amendment issue??

"Embattled Attorney General Eric Holder today demanded The Daily Caller stop publishing articles about the growing calls in Congress for his resignation because of the failed Operation Fast and Furious gun-walking program.

As Holder’s aide was escorting the attorney general offstage following his remarks Tuesday afternoon at the White House, a Daily Caller reporter introduced himself and shook Holder’s hand. The reporter asked him for a response to the growing chorus of federal legislators demanding his resignation.

Holder stepped towards the exit, then turned around, stepped back toward the reporter, and sternly said, “You guys need to — you need to stop this. It’s not an organic thing that’s just happening. You guys are behind it.”

Holder then walked offstage without answering TheDC’s request for comment about calls for his resignation."

Read more:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Good for you Gary -- that is exactly my attitude when somebody threatens some specious action on nebulous grounds. American would be a better place if more people took that approach, rather than trying to play safe.

What I don't see is much distinction between the DEA operation and Fast and Furious. Yes, guns can be more immediately dangerous than money, but a lot of the money is used to buy guns. There were large quantities of guns being trafficked. A judgement was made that it was necessary to study the flow.

Holder is precisely correct that "the growing chorus" demanding his resignation consists of a small circle of people politically inclined to seek his resignation, and not really "a growing chorus" at all. It is indeed "not an organic thing." The reporter asking the question is one of the guys behind it.

Holder should ignore the narcissistic chorus and focus on doing his job.

Miggie said...

Holder is a race obsessed ideologue who decided early on that there would be no black defendants from his Justice Dept. He carries out the Obama anti-gun agenda which led to fiascoes like this one. He should have the grace to resign but that would be too much to ask.

It is going to be a major effort for the next Republican president to clear all these agencies and government departments of the embedded left wing whackoes.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Data, Miggie, you must learn to provide a little data if you want your scurrilous little screeds to be taken seriously. My 4th grade teacher would have failed you. (She's the one who taught us the basics of preparing a formal argument for debate and documenting facts -- one of the more useful skills I picked up from an excellent public school system).

Gary Fouse said...


I refer you to J Christian Adams book on Holder and DOJ-Injustice. I also refer you to the Philadelphia incident which we have discussed before. Also see the Mississippi voting case described in Adams' book in which DOJ declined to prosecute a corrupt black machine in Miss. I forget the guy's name. Holder has been quoting as considering himself not just an AG, but a "Black AG". He is on a race-based mission.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

A quick google of your learned source leads direct to the Pajama Party web site, where it appears that his main "fact" is reiteration of the vague claim that all nominees for x, y, and z section of the DOJ have "far left resumes," whatever that might be.

We have indeed discussed the Philadelphia "incident," which doesn't bear further attention. It amounted to a half-baked act of egotism which dissuaded nobody and might well have been worth misdemeanor prosecution at the local level.

The Mississippi incident I didn't find much on, but I'm open to the notion that such an omission could have occurred. There is no question that Americans of African descent are just as capable of corruption and intimidation as any other Americans. They share with first and second generation Italian immigrants a certain penchant for feeling entitled to rise from poverty by any means necessary -- including oppression of their own ethnic group while crying foul if anyone calls them on it. But that is a relative, if powerful, handful.