
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Breaking News!! Newt Got $%#@* 34 Years Ago

It had to happen. Now a woman has come forth and said that she gave Newt Gingrich oral sex 34 years ago when he was married to his first wife. Somebody call Gloria Allred.

                                                                     "Yes, Herman, those were the good old days."

Can we put this is perspective? Gingrich is on his third marriage, and we all know he has been unfaithful with his first two wives. Gingrich doesn't deny it, but of course, he has found God as a Catholic and  blah blah blah, woof woof woof, quack quack quack. What else is new? Did she give Newtie oral sex in the Oval Office? Oh yeah, that was someone else.

And now we have the desperate Mr Clean, Mitt Romney, coming out with an ad about how "unlike some people", he has been married to one woman......"

Blah blah blah, woof woof woof, quack quack quack.

Do you wonder why our political system has degenerated into a bunch of overly-ambitious slugs and duds with skeletons in their closets or just normal human failings, whatever you want to call it? Our country is falling apart, and now we all need to know that Newtie got oral sex 34 years ago.

Oh, you say he was talking about family values or something like that? OK, so he's a hypocrite. Welcome to Hypocrites Anonymous.

"Hi Newt!"

Look. Newt is what he is. He ain't no saint. What I want to know is can he do something good for the country? He did some good things as Speaker of the House, and he screwed up too. One day he was going to charge, and the next day, he was going to retreat. Yet, none of the candidates articulate conservative positions like Gingrich. In a debate, he will wipe the floor with Obama.

But there's that thing that happened 34 years ago. (Has he even denied or admitted it yet?)

Take your choice.


Findalis said...

So? 34 years ago it would be news. Today it is just a joke.

I wonder how many more Bimbos will come out now.

The left did this to destroy Cain, for Newt it will only boost his numbers.

Miggie said...

The Dems have to run on every other possible issue than the wreckage they made of the economy in the last three years. Now all they can do is run a dirty personal smear campaign. They do that better than anything else. The other thing they do is run up debts. That's some 5 TRILLION on top of the accumulated 10 trillion to that point. It was like pouring gasoline on a kerosine fire. All those "Programs" and bailouts have done nothing for the economy and yet the debt has skyrocketed and unemployment rate is currently about 8.6% (including seasonal employments).
This not to even mention all the scandals, like Fast and Furious, Solydra, etc.

No, to the Democrats, this alleged event over 30 years ago is more critical to the country.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

"Newt is what he is. He ain't no saint. What I want to know is can he do something good for the country?"
