Is this what they are talking about?
As Cain starts to slip off into the sunset, Newt Gingrich now rises to the top of the polls, and why not? He outshines everybody else in the debates, and his experience and knowledge are clearly superior to the other candidates. In addition, Gingrich is able to clearly articulate conservative viewpoints. He would demolish Obama in any debate. He does have accomplishments to boast of when he was Speaker of the House, such as the Contract With America and bringing Bill Clinton back to the center. Yet.........
Yes, there is the issue of his failed marriages, and I suspect his current wife, Calista, is going to turn a lot of voters off. In addition, now that Gingrich is taking over the lead, expect the hatchet men and women at MSNBC to devote extra time to reminding us of how Newt asked his former wife for a divorce while she was in the hospital. It won't be pretty. But hey! Remember this guy?
We set the bar pretty low on that one, didn't we?
At least Gingrich knows where Libya is and what it is.
Cain is toast. But the fact is, anyone will beat Obama. I predicted last year Huckabee or Gingrich will be President. I still have the letter I sent to both of them.
53% of voters in Pennsylvania are against Obama. Florida, Ohio, et al. will vote red too. Obama cannot get to 270 electoral votes.
Gingrich being the nominee would be a sure win for Obama. Pardon my French, but Gingrich just comes across as too much of a dick a lot of the time to be able to win in a general election.
Kudos to you for not blaming the Cain gaffe on some sort of "mainstream media, liberal gotcha journalism."
Herman Cain has exposed himself as a businessman.
CEOs don't put themselves into a position of having to giving a snap answer to a surprise question on a complicated question without any good answers.
They get all the intelligence they can first. They solicit all alternatives, the pros and cons of each alternative, the best, worst, and most likely outcome of each alternative both short term and long term. Then they make a decision. If they don't get satisfactory answers they invest more in getting better intelligence capabilities and even more information on the problem.
I prefer that approach to the present Obama management style that is a left wing ideological orientation first, and then the political ramifications and the effect on various constituencies.
Obama's management style is particularly ineffective in foreign affairs. Even when things are not clear, the underlying ideological first reaction is that America is only one not so special nation among many nations and deeply flawed as well. The idea that the US has a leadership role in the world is completely foreign to Obama. He feels compelled to apologize for us and explain our shortcomings to other countries with the hope that now they will like us more. He's seems convinced of it.
Perhaps Gloria Cain should run. I thought that the way to settle the 2000 election impasse was for Laura Bush and Tipper Gore to toss a coin, one becoming president and the other vice-president. Either or both would have been better qualified than their husbands.
Miggie, I am all for politicians (and anyone else) taking time to think about a question before answering it. The demand for instant sound bytes the moment a question is posed are ruining the republic. But Cain didn't think, he just dithered.
The election is going to be decided based on how the most fluid voters in each state are feeling in late October 2012. For anyone to say how its going to turn out is foolish. Firm support for Obama and firm commitment to whoever-the-Republican-nominee-is are both over 40 percent. Everyone else is going to change their mind three or eleven times in the next ten months. Deal with it.
simply put, unlike Cain, Gingrich knows what he is talking about. Our nation is fragile due to the protracted high unemployment, wars and it liberal doses of foreign aid most notably Pakistan that turned out to be the country not only harboring Osama bin Laden but supplying weapons and money to our enemies in Afghanistan.
No more novelty acts like Obama who may only lead us to worsening economy and no change in draconian foreign policies.
Talking to the average ignorants who have the vote, it is easy for them to grasp marital infidelity but not domestic or foreign policies so they vote for the "chaste" guy who is least qualified to lead a nation through turbulent times.
Gingrich is intelligent, educated, articulate and has oodles of experience handling the minions that inhabit Congress.Gingrich will get the vote of those who are educated in history, economics and politics.
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