
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pat Condell on Useful Idiots for Palestine

British comedian and commentator Pat Condell takes no prisoners when he describes the Jew-hatred endemic within the pro-Palestinian camp.

Can we have an open and two-sided discussion on what Mr Condell says? It is certainly thought-provoking. I invite my Muslim readers ( I know you are out there.)  to weigh in.


Findalis said...

Remember this: Pat Condell was once Pro-Palestinian. He finally looked at the truth and was awakened.

There is hope for the rest of the useful idiots.

Squid said...


Yes there is hope for us all, in recognizing the real mission of the Islamists and the Pro-Palistinian goal to destroy Israel and send its Jewish population into the Med.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

This guy is good at shooting epithets and making tautological statements, but not at sustaining his arguments with facts, nor at insightful analysis.

As well-informed pro-Israel commentators who visited the Middle East 1949-1955 clearly observed and stated, Arab hostility toward Jews, generally, originated because they saw Jews, generally, subsidizing Israel, which the Arabs believed (rightly or wrongly) could not survive as a state without these subsidies from all over the world. They may even have been right. It had little or nothing to do with Islamic precepts, it was a political and territorial battle.

The Palestinians could not have had their state by now, because Israel refuses to agree to one. Imagine if every enclave of Mexican population across Texas, New Mexico and Arizona were defined as part of Mexico, while all the land in between were defined as Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Maps of the west bank look like a bad case of the measles.

Of course the history of the last sixty years or more is water under the bridge, so Israel isn't going away, and the Salafist ideology has offered itself as a substitute for the previous two or three ideologies that tried to boost themselves off the plight of the Palestinians.

Many of the "pro-Palestinian" Europeans are indeed ahistorical idiots projecting a fantasy world onto the Middle East. But Pat Condell is merely their doppleganger.