
Friday, November 18, 2011

Larry Elder Has Chris Matthews for Breakfast

Hat tip to Daily Caller

Larry Elder

"Chris Matthews, you've got a weak show."

This week, I had the pleasure of hearing radio talk show host Larry Elder tear into Chris Matthews over the latter's fawning book on JFK. It was classic. Daily Caller has posted it, which I am cross-posting for your entertainment.

"I've been had."

Memo to Matthews: Never try to go head-to head with Larry Elder. You are not in his league.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Sounds like two opinionated hard-heads having a spat to me. Where's the moral high ground? It's only a spanking if you think that every punch landed in a boxing match renders the receiver a child. And your headline suggests that Larry Elder is suffering from a bad case of indigestion.

ONE form of journalism is opinion COLUMNS. They exist in every ideological hue, they have a legitimate place, there are generally too many of them, because everyone wants to do one, and they are not THE SAME as news coverage.

Finally, was it the duty of American journalists during WW II, posted to the front lines, to support the war effort? Or should they have been "objective" and informed readers of "both sides" of the war, the American side, and the Axis side?

Yes, news coverage is expected to be factual, but it seems those applauding Larry Elder are playing the Pushtun game of me against my brother, me and my brother against my cousins, by brother and my cousins against the world, except they don't even get the last part down very well. (Me and the world against my president?)