
Sunday, November 20, 2011

John Urell and the Orange County Human Relations Commission

As my readers know, I am a critic of the Orange County Human Relations Commission and its CEO Rusty Kennedy. This is an inflated and useless agency that is getting $300,000 a year to do little more than posture about the "serious" human relations problems we supposedly have in Orange County. More recently, several of us spoke out against the OCHRC award to local imam Muzammil Siddiqi some months back in spite of our bringing attention to the fact that the imam had several questionable associations.

Of similar concern is the fact that from 2004-2006, a certain Monseignor John Urell served on the OCHRC. In 2006, County Supervisor Bill Campbell re-nominated him to serve a second two-year term. That nomination was later withdrawn when it led to a furor over Urell's role in an Orange County priest-pedophilia scandal, in which Urell's name had emerged in 2005 as one who allegedly covered up child abuse within the Catholic Church in Orange County.

In 2007, Urell was giving a court deposition in the pedophilia case. When the examination took some bad turns, he became "confused" and "distraught"and had to discontinue his testimony. Subsequently, the court was informed that Urell could not return to finish his testimony. The church shipped him off to Canada for several months of therapy.

Recently, the OC Board of Supervisors, with the support of Supervisor Campbell,  renewed its $300,000 annual funding to OCHRC for another year in spite of wide-spread opposition. Something stinks in Orange County.

1 comment:

fullerton taxpayer said...

The English poet, John Donne, said reason is my left hand and faith is my right hand. Rusty Kennedy of the Orange County Human Relations Commission may say Pat McKinley, the disgraced Fullerton city council member and ex-police chief of Fullerton who currently covered-up the murder of a disabled, homeless man by the very officers he hired is his left hand and Catholic priest, Monseignor Urell, who was instrumental in covering up pedophilia by his priests is his right hand. I say this because Monseignor Urell and Pat McKinley both served as board members of Rusty's Orange County Human Relations Commission.And Rusty Kennedy claims we need him and his commission because it ensures and protects the civil rights of all people. So, then I may infer Rusty's commission doesn't recognize the civil rights of children and the disabled